
Series: Black Jewels
Volume: 4
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0451458028
Publisher: Roc
Price: $6.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 16
The Invisible Ring by Anne BishopDescription: A new novel set in the realm of THE BLACK JEWELS TRILOGY!
In a world where magic is power and social status is everything, the color of the jewel you wear determines the course of your life...
Jared is a Red-Jeweled Warlord bound as a pleasure slave by the Ring of Obedience. After suffering nine years of torment as a slave, he murdered his owner and escaped - only to be caught and sold into slavery once more.
Purchased by a notorious queen, Jared fears he will share the mysterious fate of her other slaves - never to be seen again - and prepares himself for death. But the Gray Lady may not be what she seems, and Jared soon faces a difficult decision: his freedom, or his honor…
Also in this series are Black Jewels Omnibus, Shalador's Lady, Daughter of the Blood, Heir to the Shadows, Queen of the Darkness, Dreams Made Flesh, Tangled Webs, The Shadow Queen
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