
Series: Sisters Grimm
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0810993236
Pages: 192 pages
Publisher: Amulet
Price: $5.95
Reader Rating: 7 out of 10
Votes: 1
The Unusual Suspects by Michael BuckleyDescription: In this second book in the series, Sabrina and Daphne continue their family's fairy-tale detective work in the Hudson River town of Ferryport Landing. The village has more than its share of Everafters, a group of fairy-tale characters who escaped persecution in Europe by fleeing to America over 200 years ago. Here, the sisters start attending the local elementary school where the principal just happens to be the Pied Piper of Hamelin and Snow White is a most beloved teacher. Almost instantly, one of their teachers is found dead in his classroom, tied to the ceiling in a spider web. While investigating his murder, the girls uncover a devious plot and get closer to discovering the whereabouts of their missing parents. Free-spirited Daphne is a perfect foil for her older, grumpier sister, Sabrina, whose understandable anger over the loss of her parents is the main theme of this novel.
Also in this series are The Fairy-Tale Detectives, The Problem Child, Once Upon a Crime, Magic and Other Misdemeanors, Tales from the Hood, The Everafter War
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