 Home  Authors Anne Bishop

About Author
Anne Bishop lives in upstate New York where, by day, she is an intrepid proofreader, hunting out the dreaded typo and taming wild semicolons, and all the rest of the time she is a writer of romantic dark fantasy. She is the author of the Crawford Award-winning Black Jewels Trilogy (Daughter of the Blood, Heir to the Shadows, and Queen of the Darkness), The Invisible Ring, and the forthcoming (October 2001) The Pillars of the World. Her most recent short stories have appeared in Silver Birch, Blood Moon, Treachery and Treason, and the forthcoming (fall 2001) Orbiter. When she's not proofreading or writing, Anne enjoys gardening, storytelling, and music, especially playing folk
music on the hammered dulcimer.

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Books (Sort by Title)[14 books listed]
 Black Jewels VolumeYearRating
 Black Jewels Omnibusn/a20037/10
 Shalador's Ladyn/a2010n/a
 Daughter of the Blood119989/10
 Heir to the Shadows219999/10
 Queen of the Darkness320009/10
 The Invisible Ring420008/10
 Dreams Made Flesh5200510/10
 Tangled Webs62008n/a
 The Shadow Queen72009n/a

 Ephemera Duology VolumeYearRating

 The Fae Trilogy VolumeYearRating
 The Pillars of the World120018/10
 Shadows and Light220029/10
 The House of Gaian320039/10
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