
Series: The Stainless Steel Rat
Volume: 1
Genre: SF
ISBN: 1857984986
Pages: 158 pages
Publisher: Orion Publishing Group
Price: $16.95
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 9
The Stainless Steel Rat by Harry HarrisonDescription: In the vastness of space, the crimes just get bigger and Slippery Jim diGriz, the Stainless Steel Rat, is the biggest criminal of them all. He can con humans, aliens and any number of robots time after time. Jim is so slippery that all the inter-galactic cops can do is make him one of their own.
Also in this series are The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge, The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World, The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You!, The Stainless Steel Rat for President, A Stainless Steel Rat is Born, The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted, The Stainless Steel Rat Sings the Blues, The Stainless Steel Rat Joins The Circus, The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell
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