Home Armin Shimmerman, David R. George III The 34th Rule

The 34th Rule (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Series: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Volume: 23
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0671007939
Pages: 431 pages
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Price: £5.99
Reader Rating: 10 out of 10
Votes: 1
The 34th Rule by Armin Shimmerman & David R. George III

Description: For once, business is going well for Quark, not that anyone on Deep Space Nine truly appreciates his genius for finding profit in the most unlikely of circumstances. Quark is even looking forward to making the deal of a lifetime - when he suddenly finds himself stuck right in the middle of a major dispute between Bajor and the Ferengi Alliance. It seems that the Grand Nagus is refusing to sell one of the lost Orbs of the Prophets to the Bajoran government, which has responded by banning all Ferengi activity in Bajoran space.

With diplomatic relations between the two cultures rapidly breaking down, Quark loses his bar first, then his freedom. But even penniless, he still has his cunning and his lobes, and those alone may be all he needs to come out on top - and prevent an interstellar war!

Also in this series are Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: These Haunted Seas Return to the Armin Shimmerman page, David R. George III page.

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