Home Isobelle Carmody The Farseekers

The Farseekers (Obernewtyn Chronicles)
Series: Obernewtyn Chronicles
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0812584236
Pages: 320 pages
Publisher: Tor Books
Price: $6.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 14
The Farseekers by Isobelle Carmody

Description: After liberating themselves from their control by the totalitarian Council, the psychically gifted Misfits of Obernewtyn attempt to develop their skills without interference from the outside world. When powerful psychic Elspeth Gordie leads an expedition into the distant Lowlands to rescue another Misfit, she also receives a call to find and destroy a cache of ancient weapons, relics of the legendary Beforetimers. Carmody!s postapocalyptic tale of heroism and courage in the face of persecution blends graceful storytelling with appealing characters. Recommended for most sf collections as well as for YA fans of speculative fiction.

Also in this series are Obernewtyn, Ashling, The Keeping Place, The Stone Key, The Sending Return to the Isobelle Carmody page.

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