Home Gordon R. Dickson The Spirit of Dorsai

The Spirit of Dorsai (Dorsai/Chylde Cycle)
Series: Dorsai/Chylde Cycle
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0812504038
Publisher: Tom Doherty & As.
Reader Rating: 7 out of 10
Votes: 1
The Spirit of Dorsai by Gordon R. Dickson

Description: This is essentially two short stories with a framing sequence to give them context and they really aren't even that related. The third Amanda Morgan first tells the story of the first Amanda Morgan and this is significant because it's probably the first time Dickson has written a female character in this series who does more than serve as window dressing for the male characters. Amanda Morgan is old and stubborn and somewhat cranky but she's memorable either way. The events of the story aren't as interesting as she is, since they deal with stuff that happened in Tactics of Mistake (how a planet full of old and crippled people beat all the soldiers who were invading while Cletus was otherwise occupied) and so you know already how it ends, although Dickson does tend to take his sweet time getting there and in the end I still feel like I missed something. But Amanda Morgan stands out and Cletus was one of the better early characters so it was nice to revist that time in the series. The second story reads fairly quickly and once again involves the Graeme twins Ian and Kelsie and how Ian deals with Kelsie's death.

Also in this series are Antagonist, Dorsai, Lost Dorsai, Necromancer, Other, Soldier, Ask Not!, Tactics of Mistake, The Chantry Guild, The Dorsai Companion, The Final Encyclopedia, Young Bleys Return to the Gordon R. Dickson page.

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