Series: Misc
Genre: SF
Publisher: -Bantam
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 2
The Eyes of God: A Novel of the Pinch by Mark KreighbaumDescription: -THE EYES OF GOD: A Novel of the Pinch
by Mark Kreighbaum
THE EYES OF GOD is a science fiction novel set in the far future in an area of space known as the Pinch.
From Mark Kreighbaum's website:
This book is the sequel to PALACE, which I co-wrote with Katharine Kerr.
Both PALACE and THE EYES OF GOD are out of print in the U.S. (the U.K. edition of PALACE is still in print and can be purchased from Amazon's U.K. store).
Some readers have reported difficulty finding secondhand copies. Because I have a few author's copies on hand, I can help out the most desperate cases (priority given to overseas fans).
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