Series: The Symphony of Ages
Volume: 6
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0765305658
Pages: 352 pages
Publisher: Tor Books
Price: $25.95
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 3
The Assassin King by Elizabeth HaydonDescription: Book Six of the USA Todaybestselling Symphony of Ages The Assassin King opens with the arrival of a mysterious hunter, a man of ancient race and purpose, who endlessly chants the names of the pantheon of demons that are his intended victims, as well as one other: Ysk, the original name of Achmed, the Assassin King of Ylorc.
Also in this series are Rhapsody: Child of Blood, Prophecy: Child of Earth, Destiny: Child of the Sky, Requiem for the Sun, Elegy for a Lost Star
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