Home David Drake, S. M. Stirling The Hammer

The Hammer (The Raj Whitehall Series)
Series: The Raj Whitehall Series
Volume: 2
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0671721054
Publisher: Baen Books
Price: $5.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 2
The Hammer by David Drake & S. M. Stirling

Description: A monolithic computer is using General Raj Whitehall to reunite the planet and start humanity back on the road to technological achievement, but armies of musket- and saber-wielding barbarians stand in the way.

Also in this series are Conqueror (Novels 3, 4 & 5), Warlord (Novels 1 & 2), Warlord (Novels 1 & 2), The Forge, The Anvil, The Steel, The Sword, The Chosen, The Reformer, The Tyrant Return to the David Drake page, S. M. Stirling page.

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