Home Mary Gentle The Architecture of Desire

The Architecture of Desire (Casaubon/White Crow Sequence)
Series: Casaubon/White Crow Sequence
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0451453530
Publisher: Roc
Price: 4.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 3
The Architecture of Desire by Mary Gentle

Description: Two powerful magicians-the White Crow and her husband, Lord-Architect Casaubon-become embroiled in a deadly conflict of politics and magic as the opposing forces of Queen Carola and Protector-General Olivia battle for control of seventeenth-century London.

Finalist of the BSFA Award, finalist of the James J. Tiptree Jr. Memorial Award.

Also in this series are Rats and Gargoyles, Left to His Own Devices Return to the Mary Gentle page.

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