Home Mary Gentle Rats and Gargoyles

Rats and Gargoyles (Casaubon/White Crow Sequence)
Series: Casaubon/White Crow Sequence
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0451451732
Publisher: Roc
Price: 5.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 7
Rats and Gargoyles by Mary Gentle

Description: The highly acclaimed author of Ancient Light returns with an arresting fantasy set at 'the heart of the world.' Wicked Rat Lords have reduced all humankind to slaves and god-daemons make the decision to end all existence - prompting the powerful White Crow to order a defiant uprising.

Finalist of the Arthur C. Clarke Award, finalist of the BSFA Award, 10th place in the Locus Award for Fantasy Novel.

Also in this series are The Architecture of Desire, Left to His Own Devices Return to the Mary Gentle page.

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