
16584 SF books. Select a book to list it's details or select the author to list the novels written by them.

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934 "a" books to be listed.

Sorted by Surname.
Books with Titles Starting with A
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 A Name To Conjure With Aamodt, Donald  
 A Troubling Along the Border Aamodt, Donald31
 A Shadow in Summer Abraham, Daniel91
 A Legacy of Stars Ackley-McPhail, Danielle91
 And Another Thing Adams, Douglas & Colfer, Eoin  
 Ashes of Midnight Adrian, Lara  
 Against All Odds Alec, Wendy  
 Allies & Aliens Allen, Roger MacBride71
 Ambush at Corellia Allen, Roger MacBride  
 Assault at Selonia Allen, Roger MacBride  
 A Circus of Hells Anderson, Poul61
 A Forest of Stars Anderson, Kevin J.93
 A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows Anderson, Poul  
 A Step Beyond Anderson, Chris  
 A Stone in Heaven Anderson, Poul  
 Agent Terran Empire Anderson, Poul  
 A Vision of Fire: A Novel Anderson, Gillian & Rovin, Jeff  
 Another Life Anghelides, Peter  
 A Spell for Chameleon Anthony, Piers925
 Air Apparent Anthony, Piers71
 And Eternity Anthony, Piers88
 Alloran's Choice Applegate, K.A.  
 An Alien Dies Applegate, K.A.101
 A house called Awful End: The Eddy Dickens Trilogy Ardagh, Philip71
 Angelic Armstrong, Kelley  
 Ascendant Sun Asaro, Catherine91
 Africa Zero Asher, Neal L.  
 Another Fine Myth Asprin, Robert917
 Aftermath Asprin, Robert & Abbey, Lynn71
 A Phule and His Money Asprin, Robert & Heck, Peter J.102
 Annihilation Athans, Philip  
 Arc of the Dream Attanasio, A. A.  
 Arthor Attanasio, A. A.21
 Asperger's Syndrome Attwood, Tony  
 All Good Children Austen, Catherine  
 Arrival Authors, Various31
 Atom: A Novel Aylett, Steve  
 An Accidental Goddess Baker, Megan Sybil81
 At the Edge of the West Baker, Kage  
 Armies of Hanuman Banker, Ashok K.93
 A Song of Stone Banks, Iain M.75
 Against a Dark Background Banks, Iain M.813
 A Death of Kings Barker, M. A. R.82
 Abarat Barker, Clive923
 Absolute Midnight Barker, Clive95
 Age of Assassins Barker, RJ  
 A Princess of the Aerie Barnes, John  
 Angelglass Barnett, David94
 A Verdadeira Invasão dos Marcianos Barreiros, João101
 Avalon: Child of The Dark Prophecy Barron, T.A.  
 A Plague of All Cowards Barton, William  
 Acts of Conscience Barton, William  
 Alpha Centauri Barton, William & Copobianco, Michael53
 As One Dead Bassingthwaite, Don & Kilpatrick, Nancy  
 Ark Baxter, Stephen101
 A Dance for Emilia Beagle, Peter S.  
 A Fine and Private Place Beagle, Peter S.101
 Anvil of Stars Bear, Greg89
 A Matter of Profit Bell, Hilari81
 Across The Sea Of Suns Benford, Gregory101
 Artifact Benford, Gregory91
 Aftermath Bennett, Christopher L.  
 Archon Benulis, Sabrina  
 A Child of Elvish Berberick, Nancy Varian  
 A Handful of Pearls & Other Stories Bernobich, Beth  
 Ars Memoriae Bernobich, Beth  
 Alara Unbroken Beyer, Doug  
 A Planeswalker's Guide to Alara Beyer, Doug & Helland, Jenna  
 After America Birmingham, John  
 Angels of Vengeance Birmingham, John  
 Ascendance: Dave vs. the Monsters Birmingham, John  
 A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire Bishop, Michael  
 A Little Knowledge Bishop, Michael  
 Ancient of Days Bishop, Michael  
 And Strange at Ecbatan the Trees Bishop, Michael  
 At the City Limits of Fate Bishop, Michael91
 Awakening of the Key Bishop, Debbie  
 Alien Resurrection Bisson, Terry & Whedon, Joss  
 A.N.T.I.D.O.T.E. Blackman, Malorie101
 A Branch of Thorns Bladow, Kyle311
 Anna Dressed in Blood Blake, Kendare  
 Axolotl Double A-1 Blaylock, James P. & Powers, Tim81
 A Case of Conscience Blish, James71
 American Gothic Bloch, Robert101
 A Book of Pixie Stories Blyton, Enid  
 Adventures of the Wishing Chair Blyton, Enid  
 American Owned Love Boswell, Robert  
 As on a darkling plain Bova, Ben91
 Ariel Boyett, Steven R.  
 A Friend of the Earth Boyle, T. C.  
 A Graveyard for Lunatics Bradbury, Ray81
 A Medicine for Melancholy Bradbury, Ray  
 A Memory of Muder Bradbury, Ray31
 Arcadia: The SF Novel of an Eden at Bay Bradley, Tabitha A.  
 Ancestors of Avalon Bradley, Marion Zimmer & Paxson, Diana101
 A Great and Terrible Beauty Bray, Libba910
 Alalorn Briggs, Patricia61
 A Bad Spell in Yurt Brittain, C. Dale  
 A Princess of Landover Brooks, Terry  
 Angel Fire East Brooks, Terry911
 Antrax Brooks, Terry79
 Armageddon's Children Brooks, Terry83
 Angels and Demons Brown, Dan86
 Agyar Brust, Steven86
 Athyra Brust, Steven96
 A Civil Campaign Bujold, Lois McMaster933
 A Device of Death Bulis, Christopher  
 A Clockwork Orange Burgess, Anthony101
 A Little Princess Burnett, Frances & , Hodgson  
 Apocalypse Memories Burns, Laura J. & Metz, Melinda  
 A Fighting Man of Mars Burroughs, Edgar Rice61
 A Princess of Mars Burroughs, Edgar Rice94
 At the Earth's Core Burroughs, Edgar Rice81
 Academ's Fury Butcher, Jim94
 All american girl 2 Cabot, Meg  
 All American girl/ Ready or not Cabot, Meg97
 Avalon High Cabot, Meg83
 Aeromancer Callander, Don  
 Aquamancer Callander, Don  
 All That Is Red Caltabiano, Anna  
 Alone with the Horrors Campbell, Ramsey  
 Ancient Images Campbell, Ramsey  
 A War of Gifts: An Ender Story Card, Orson Scott  
 Alvin Journeyman Card, Orson Scott53
 Alyzon Whitestarr Carmody, Isobelle96
 Ashling Carmody, Isobelle920
 A Child Across the Sky Carroll, Jonathan  
 After Silence Carroll, Jonathan  
 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis86
 As the Green Star Rises Carter, Lin  
 After Glow Castle, Jayne  
 An Alien Darkness Castro, Adam-Troy & Oltion, Jerry  
 A Stirring of Shadows Catapano, Jim81
 Anomaly Cawdron, Peter  
 AVP - Alien vs. Predator: The Movie Cerasini, Marc101
 Always Forever Chadbourn, Mark83
 And the Devil Will Drag You Under Chalker, Jack L.81
 A Thief in the Night Chandler, David  
 A King Beneath the Mountain Charrette, Robert N.81
 A Knight Among Knaves Charrette, Robert N.81
 A Prince Among Men Charrette, Robert N.81
 Alternate Realities Cherryh, C.J.82
 At the Edge of Space Cherryh, C.J.  
 A Wanted Man Child, Lee  
 And Then There Were None Christie, Agatha  
 Angelic Layer Vol. 1 Clamp, -  
 A Fall of Moondust Clarke, Arthur C.76
 Against the Fall of Night Clarke, Arthur C.74
 Appleseed Clute, John  
 A Place Among the Fallen Cole, Adrian91
 A Reckoning For Kings Cole, Allan & Bunch, Chris102
 A Cop's Life Cole, Allan & Grubb, Thomas M.101
 A Call to Arms Coleman, Loren L.73
 Age of Conan: Legends of Kern, Volume 2 Coleman, Loren L.  
 Airman Colfer, Eoin101
 Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoin961
 Above & Beyond Collins, Max Allan  
 After the Dark Collins, Max Allan101
 American Gangster Collins, Max Allan  
 A Cruel Wind Cook, Glen  
 A Fortress In Shadow Cook, Glen  
 A Matter of Time Cook, Glen72
 A Shadow of All Night Falling Cook, Glen84
 All Darkness Met Cook, Glen84
 An Empire Unacquainted with Defeat Cook, Glen  
 An Ill Fate Marshalling Cook, Glen43
 Angry Lead Skies Cook, Glen914
 Aisling Cooper, Louise94
 Avatar Cooper, Louise  
 A Better Way to Die Cornell, Paul  
 Assignment: Eternity Cox, Greg81
 A Case of Need Crichton, Michael42
 Airframe Crichton, Michael92
 Alien: Resurrection Crispin, A.C.  
 As It Is On Mars Cronin, Thomas W.  
 As It Is On Mars, Second Edition Cronin, Thomas W.  
 At the Crossing-Places Crossley-Holland, Kevin912
 Abandon Crouch, Blake  
 AEgypt Crowley, John82
 Atlantis Found Cussler, Clive81
 A Thorn in My Pocket Cutler, Eustacia  
 A Thousand Words for Stranger Czerneda, Julie85
 a winters tale dale, jenny102
 ABANDONED! dale, jenny84
 A Tapestry of Magics Daley, Brian  
 Ascension Dalkey, Kara91
 Armageddons Dann, Jack & Dozois, Gardner101
 A Rock and a Hard Place David, Peter51
 After Earth David, Peter  
 After the Fall David, Peter  
 Armies of Light and Dark David, Peter  
 A Circle of Cats de Lint, Charles  
 A Handful of Coppers de Lint, Charles  
 Angel of Darkness de Lint, Charles  
 Ascian in Rose de Lint, Charles92
 A Good Day To Die #1: I.K.S. Gorkon Decandido, Keith  
 A Singular Destiny Decandido, Keith  
 Aftermath Decandido, Keith  
 Above the Lower Sky Deitz, Tom101
 Adam Dekker, Ted  
 Attack of the Fiend Delaney, Joseph  
 A Silence in the Heavens Delrio, Martin91
 A Forest Apart Denning, Troy92
 Abyss Denning, Troy  
 Afterlife Destefano, Merrie  
 A Scanner Darkly Dick, Philip K.911
 A Christmas Carol Dickens, Charles101
 AK Dickinson, Peter  
 Antagonist Dickson, Gordon R. & Wixon, David W.  
 A Hole in the Sky Dietz, William C.  
 Alien Bounty Dietz, William C.  
 At Empire's Edge Dietz, William C.  
 A Time to Harvest Dilmore, Kevin & Ward, Dayton91
 A Time to Sow Dilmore, Kevin & Ward, Dayton62
 Avatar the Last Airbender Dimartino, Michael Dante & Konietzko, Bryan  
 Area 51 Doherty, Robert95
 A Man Rides Through Donaldson, Stephen915
 Against All Things Ending Donaldson, Stephen  
 Assault on Atlantis Donegan, Greg  
 Atlantis: Devil's Sea Donegan, Greg  
 A Horse called Freedom Dorsey, Angela94
 Abandoned Dorsey, Angela101
 A Working of Stars Doyle, Debra & Macdonald, James D.  
 All the Way to the Gallows Drake, David71
 At Any Price Drake, David91
 A Wizard Abroad Duane, Diane97
 A Wizard Alone Duane, Diane95
 Architects of Destiny DuBoff, Amy  
 A Gift Of Magic Duncan, Lois92
 A Rose-Red City Duncan, Dave  
 A Feral Darkness Durgin, Doranna  
 Acacia Durham, David  
 A Fish Dinner in Memison Eddison, E. R.82
 Archangel Blues Edghill, Rosemary & Shahar, Eluki Bes  
 Axiomatic Egan, Greg75
 And Then There'll Be Fireworks Elgin, Suzette Haden  
 An Earthly Crown Elliot, Kate95
 A Passage of Stars Elliot, Kate82
 Again, Dangerous Visions Ellison, Harlan81
 Angry Candy Ellison, Harlan  
 A Chill in the Blood Elrod, P. N.  
 A Song in the Dark Elrod, P. N.  
 Art in the Blood Elrod, P. N.101
 Anywhere, Anywhen: Stories of Tomorrow Engdahl, Sylvia  
 A Darkness Forged in Fire Evans, Chris83
 Ashes of a Black Frost Evans, Chris  
 A Girl Named Disaster Farmer, Nancy72
 A Private Cosmos Farmer, Philip Jose73
 A Magic of Dawn Farrell, S. L.  
 A Magic of Nightfall Farrell, S. L.  
 A Crown Imperiled Feist, Raymond E.  
 A Darkness at Sethanon Feist, Raymond E.834
 A Kingdom Besieged Feist, Raymond E.  
 At the Gates of Darkness Feist, Raymond E.62
 Agnes Day Fenn, Lionel  
 A Flag Full of Stars Ferguson, Brad  
 A Spell for the Revolution Finlay, Charles Coleman  
 An Oblique Approach Flint, Eric & Drake, David99
 American Assassin: A Thriller Flynn, Vince82
 Abandon All Hope Ford, Tony  
 A Band of Brothers Forstchen, William R.  
 Animist Forward, Eve81
 A Call to Arms Foster, Alan Dean82
 A Triumph of Souls Foster, Alan Dean  
 Alien Foster, Alan Dean86
 Alien 3 Foster, Alan Dean82
 Alien Nation Foster, Alan Dean51
 Aliens Foster, Alan Dean73
 An affair of state Frank, Pat51
 Alas, Babylon Frank, Pat813
 A Boy and His Tank Frankowski, Leo76
 A Mankind Witch Freer, Dave  
 A Call to Darkness Friedman, Michael Jan  
 All Good Things... Friedman, Michael Jan  
 At Grave's End Frost, Jeaniene  
 Attack of the Jazz Giants & Other Stories Frost, Gregory  
 A Red Dark Night Fuchs, A.P.91
 Axiom-man Fuchs, A.P.  
 Axiom-man Episode No. 0: First Night Out Fuchs, A.P.  
 Axiom-man Episode No. 1: The Dead Land Fuchs, A.P.  
 Axiom-man: Doorway of Darkness Fuchs, A.P.  
 Aurian Furey, Maggie810
 A Concordance Furth, Robin  
 A Breath of Snow and Ashes Gabaldon, Diana73
 American Gods Gaiman, Neil818
 Anansi Boys Gaiman, Neil  
 A Bad Day For Ali Baba Gardner, Craig Shaw  
 A Difficulty with Dwarves Gardner, Craig Shaw93
 A Disagreement with Death Gardner, Craig Shaw  
 A Malady of Magicks Gardner, Craig Shaw  
 A Multitude of Monsters Gardner, Craig Shaw  
 A Night in the Netherhells Gardner, Craig Shaw11
 An Excess of Enchantments Gardner, Craig Shaw91
 Ascending Gardner, James Alan84
 All of an Instant Garfinkle, Richard83
 A Hawk in Silver Gentle, Mary  
 A Secret History Gentle, Mary915
 Ancient Light Gentle, Mary85
 Ash: A Secret History Gentle, Mary96
 A Day for Damnation Gerrold, David91
 A Matter for Men Gerrold, David81
 A Rage for Revenge Gerrold, David  
 A Season for Slaughter Gerrold, David  
 Alternities Gerrold, David  
 Ascents of Wonder Gerrold, David  
 Alternate Gerrolds Gerrold, David & Resnick, Mike  
 Atlantis Gibbins, David81
 Against Gravity Gibson, Gary  
 All Tomorrow's Parties Gibson, William83
 Angel Stations Gibson, Gary  
 A.D. 999 Golden, Christie82
 Allies Golden, Christie  
 Angel Souls and Devil Hearts Golden, Christopher101
 Arthas Golden, Christie  
 Ascension Golden, Christie  
 ASCENSION Grace, Sable91
 Armageddon Sky Graf, L. A.  
 A is for Alibi Grafton, Sue  
 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Grahame-Smith, Seth  
 Afterlife Gray, Claudia101
 Alyssa's Ring Gray, Julia82
 A Cavalcade Of Magicians Green, Roger  
 A Hard Day's Knight Green, Simon R.  
 Agents of Light and Darkness Green, Simon R.94
 After the King Greenberg, Martin H.61
 Apprentice Fantastic Greenberg, Martin H. & Davis, Russell  
 Assassin Fantastic Greenberg, Martin H. & Potter, Alexander  
 A Time to Hate Greenberger, Bob  
 A Time to Love Greenberger, Bob  
 A Dragon's Ascension Greenwood, Ed84
 All Shadows Fled Greenwood, Ed  
 A Madness of Angels Griffin, Kate  
 Ammonite Griffith, Nicola  
 A Painted House Grisham, John101
 A Time to Kill Grisham, John  
 Azure Bonds Grubb, Jeff & Novak, Kate  
 Assassins' Treaty Grubbe, Kevin101
 Attila's Treasure Grundy, Stephan  
 Anubis Murders Gygax, Gary83
 Artifact of Evil Gygax, Gary  
 Among the Barons Haddix, Margaret102
 Among the Betrayed Haddix, Margaret73
 Among the Brave Haddix, Margaret101
 Among the Enemy Haddix, Margaret103
 Among the Free Haddix, Margaret81
 Among the Hidden Haddix, Margaret88
 Among the Imposters Haddix, Margaret102
 Author Hagele, Anna  
 Allan Quartermain Haggard, H. Rider  
 Allan's Wife Haggard, H. Rider  
 A Separate War and Other Stories Haldeman, Joe  
 All My Sins Remembered Haldeman, Joe82
 Austenland: A Novel Hale, Shannon  
 A Caress of Twilight Hamilton, Laurell K.98
 A Lick of Frost Hamilton, Laurell K.91
 A Quantum Murder Hamilton, Peter F.85
 A Second Chance at Eden Hamilton, Peter F.75
 A Shiver of Light Hamilton, Laurell K.  
 A Stroke of Midnight Hamilton, Laurell K.84
 A New Threat Hand, Elizabeth73
 Aestival Tide Hand, Elizabeth71
 A Midsummer Nights Gene Harman, Andrew91
 A Touch of Dead Harris, Charlaine  
 Accidental Creatures Harris, Anne91
 All Together Dead Harris, Charlaine  
 An Ice Cold Grave Harris, Charlaine  
 A Fistful of Charms Harrison, Kim81
 A Perfect Blood Harrison, Kim  
 A Stainless Steel Rat is Born Harrison, Harry84
 A Storm of Wings Harrison, M. John83
 A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah! Harrison, Harry  
 Ancient Egypt Hart, Dr. George  
 Armageddon Hatch, Richard & Golden, Christopher  
 Across the Nightingale Floor Hearn, Lian918
 A Plague of Giants Hearne, Kevin  
 Assignment In Eternity Heinlein, Robert A.101
 Aeternitas Heitz, Markus  
 Alien Abductions with Martin Greenberg Helfers, John  
 A Just Determination Hemry, John G.74
 Against All Enemies Hemry, John G.83
 A.I. Apocalypse Hertling, William  
 Avogadro Corp: The Singularity Is Closer Than It Appears Hertling, William103
 Alien Deeps HILL, DOUGLAS  
 American Morons Hirshberg, Glen  
 Assasins Quest Hobb, Robin859
 Assassins Apprentice Hobb, Robin8108
 Alien Earth Hobb, Robin & Lindholm, Megan  
 A Fistful of Sky Hoffman, Nina Kiriki71
 A Red Heart of Memories Hoffman, Nina Kiriki101
 A Stir of Bones Hoffman, Nina Kiriki  
 Ancient Echoes Holdstock, Robert  
 A Dozen Dreadfuls Holley, Charlotte61
 A Study in Ashes Holloway, Emma Jane  
 A Study in Darkness Holloway, Emma Jane  
 A Study in Silks Holloway, Emma Jane  
 Alexander at the World's End Holt, Tom  
 A Familiar Dragon Hood, Daniel86
 Ark Angel Horowitz, Anthony913
 Almuric Howard, Robert E.82
 Alysa of the Fields Howe, Tina Field101
 A Woman Worth Ten Coppers Howell, Morgan  
 An Alien Affair Hubbard, L. Ron11
 A Peace Divided Huff, Tanya  
 Among Thieves Hulick, Douglas  
 Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene62
 A Clan in Need Hunter, Erin1010
 A Dangerous Path Hunter, Erin10240
 A Martian Poet in Siberia Hunter, Duncan62
 After the Flood Hunter, Erin  
 A Dangerous Man Huston, Charlie  
 Already Dead Huston, Charlie  
 A Scattering of Jades Irvine, Alexander C.91
 A Shadow on the Glass Irvine, Ian914
 Alchymist Irvine, Ian82
 A Redwall Winter's Tale Jacques, Brian62
 All's Fair in Love, War, and High School Janette, Rallison  
 Alienist Janifer, Laurence M.  
 A Soldier's Duty Johnson, Jean  
 A Twist of Fate Johnson, Mark  
 At the Mouth of the River of Bees: Stories Johnson, Kij  
 A Cavern of Black Ice Jones, J.V.817
 A Fortress of Grey Ice Jones, J.V.817
 A Man Betrayed Jones, J.V.86
 A Sudden Wild Magic Jones, Diana Wynne  
 A Sword from Red Ice Jones, J.V.96
 Archer's Goon Jones, Diana Wynne83
 A Crown of Swords Jordan, Robert743
 A Memory of Light Jordan, Robert & Sanderson, Brandon71
 Aloha from Hell Kadrey, Richard  
 Arrowhead Kane, Paul  
 Annihilation: Star Wars Karpyshyn, Drew  
 A Stranger Still Kavan, Anna  
 Asylum Piece Kavan, Anna  
 A Song for Arbonne Kay, Guy Gavriel813
 Amy on Her Own Kaye, Marilyn101
 Amy, Number Seven Kaye, Marilyn826
 Another Amy Kaye, Marilyn75
 A Different Kingdom Kearney, Paul98
 A Rumor of Angels Kellogg, Marjorie Bradley77
 Acheron Kenyon, Sherrilyn91
 A Year Without Autumn Kessler, Liz91
 A Calculus of Angels Keyes, J. Gregory  
 A Whisper of Wings Kidd, Paul102
 Angel Kilworth, Garry  
 Archangel Kilworth, Garry  
 Attack on the Redan Kilworth, Garry  
 Abyssal Warrior King, J. Robert  
 Apocalypse King, J. Robert101
 Apt Pupil : A Novella in Different Seasons King, Stephen  
 Arianna Kelt #3 King, J.R.911
 Arianna Kelt and the Renegades of Time King, J.R.940
 Arianna Kelt and the Wizards of Skyhall King, J.R.932
 Across the Face of the World Kirkpatrick, Russell51
 Alien Secrets Klause, Annette Curtis  
 A For Anything Knight, Damon  
 Appalachian Overthrow Knight, E. E.  
 Appalachian Overthrow: A Novel of the Vampire Eart Knight, E. E.  
 A State of Disobedience Kratman, Tom  
 An Alien Light Kress, Nancy  
 Aeyrie Lackey, Mercedes85
 Alta Lackey, Mercedes99
 Arrow's Fall Lackey, Mercedes811
 Arrow's Flight Lackey, Mercedes815
 Arrows of the Queen Lackey, Mercedes814
 A Cast of Corbies Lackey, Mercedes & Sherman, Josepha64
 Apollyon LaHaye, Tim & Jenkins, Jerry B.94
 Assassins LaHaye, Tim & Jenkins, Jerry B.81
 Audrey's Door Langan, Sarah  
 A Plague of Demons & Other Stories Laumer, Keith73
 A Trace of Memory Laumer, Keith74
 Arthur Lawhead, Stephen65
 Avalon Lawhead, Stephen82
 Andra Lawrence, Louise85
 Assassins of Rome Lawrence, Caroline83
 A Fisherman of the Inland Sea Le Guin, Ursula K.73
 A Wizard of Earthsea Le Guin, Ursula K.829
 Always Coming Home Le Guin, Ursula K.  
 As the Sun Goes Down Lebbon, Tim  
 Ancillary Justice Leckie, Ann  
 Ancillary Mercy Leckie, Ann71
 Ancillary Sword Leckie, Ann  
 A Bed of Earth Lee, Tanith  
 A Heroine Of The World Lee, Tanith101
 Agent of Change Lee, Sharon & Miller, Steve95
 A Swiftly Tilting Planet L'Engle, Madeleine73
 A Wind in the Door L'Engle, Madeleine92
 A Wrinkle in Time L'Engle, Madeleine73
 An Acceptable Time L'Engle, Madeleine  
 Antarctica - Escape from Disaster Lerangis, Peter1010
 Antarctica: Journey to the Pole Lerangis, Peter98
 Attack of the Killer Potatoes Lerangis, Peter101
 Amber Dreams: A Roger Zelazny Bibliography Levack, Daniel J H & Zelazny, Roger62
 A Grief Observed Lewis, C.S.101
 All My Road Before Me Lewis, C.S.101
 Ambrov Keon LORRAH, JEAN101
 At the Mountains of Madness and Other Tales of Terror Lovecraft, Howard Phillips71
 Anne of Avonlea Lucy, Montgomery  
 Anne of Green Gables Lucy, Montgomery  
 Anne of the Island Lucy, Montgomery  
 Anne's House of Dreams Lucy, Montgomery  
 A Coven of Vampires Lumley, Brian  
 Avengers Lumley, Brian83
 A Different Light Lynn, Elizabeth A.93
 Alien Among Us Lytle, Casey82
 Alien Encounter Lytle, Casey82
 Alien in the Mirror Lytle, Casey71
 American Vampire Lytle, C. Alan62
 A Girl's Guide to Vampires MacAlister, Katie  
 A Trio for Lute MacAvoy, R.A.91
 At the Back of the North Wind MacDonald, George  
 A Sonata de Cristal Macedo, António de  
 A Time to Heal Mack, David84
 A Time to Kill Mack, David101
 A Lion Among Men Maguire, Gregory  
 Alchemy Mahy, Margaret101
 A Matter of Honor Malcolm, Sally  
 Army of the Fantastic Marco, John & Helfers, John101
 A Spiritual Christian Journey Markey, Janet84
 Ara's Field Marks, Laurie J.  
 Agents of Artifice Marmell, Ari82
 A Question of Class Marotti, Maria  
 A Crown for Cold Silver Marshall, Alex  
 A Clash of Kings Martin, George R.R.8130
 A Dance with Dragons Martin, George R.R.820
 A Dog's Life martin, ann m.101
 A Dream of Spring Martin, George R.R.82
 A Feast for Crows Martin, George R.R.888
 A Game of Thrones Martin, George R.R.8174
 A Song for Lya Martin, George R.R.87
 A Storm of Swords Martin, George R.R.8147
 Ace in the Hole Martin, George R.R.  
 Aces Abroad Martin, George R.R.  
 Aces High Martin, George R.R.72
 A Nameless Witch Martinez, A. Lee  
 Angel of Destruction Matthews, Susan R.  
 At Death's Door Matthews, P. A.  
 A Pliocene Companion May, Julian72
 Ancient of Days Mcauley, Paul J.101
 A Gift of Dragons McCaffrey, Anne74
 A Time When McCaffrey, Anne82
 Alchemy & Academe McCaffrey, Anne82
 Alia Waking McCaffrey, Laura  
 All the Weyrs of Pern McCaffrey, Anne811
 An Exchange of Gifts McCaffrey, Anne66
 Acorna McCaffrey, Anne & Ball, Margaret711
 Acorna's Quest McCaffrey, Anne & Ball, Margaret75
 Acorna's People McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Anne57
 Acorna's Rebels McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann  
 Acorna's Search McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann63
 Acorna's Triumph McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann  
 Acorna's World McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann64
 A DIVERSITY OF DRAGONS McCaffrey, Anne & Woods, Richard73
 A Talent for War McDevitt, Jack95
 Ancient Shores McDevitt, Jack82
 Ares Express McDonald, Ian  
 Assassin's Blade McGough, Scott83
 A Local Habitation McGuire, Seanan  
 An Artificial Night McGuire, Seanan  
 After the Apocalypse McHugh, Maureen F.  
 Aurora: Beyond Equality McIntyre, Vonda N. & Anderson, Susan Janice  
 Alphabet of Thorn McKillip, Patricia A.91
 A Knot in the Grain and Other Stories McKinley, Robin  
 Apocalypse of the Dead McKinney, Joe  
 as far as i can see- megs prairie diary mcmullan, kate  
 Acceleration McNamee, Graham97
 A Thousand Sons McNeill, Graham  
 Absorption Meaney, John  
 As Lie the Dead Meding, Kelly  
 A New Start Merriweather, Kimberly81
 Ancient China Michaelson, Carol  
 A Blight of Mages Miller, Karen  
 A Canticle for Leibowitz Miller, Walter M.87
 Alliances Miller, Karen  
 Angel Fire Miscione, Lisa  
 Adiamante Modesitt Jnr., L.E.96
 Alector's Choice Modesitt Jnr., L.E.91
 Archform: Beauty Modesitt Jnr., L.E.81
 Arms-Commander Modesitt Jnr., L.E.  
 Anakin's Quest Moesta, Rebecca  
 A Choice of Catastrophes Mollmann, Steve & Schuster, Michael  
 A Companion to Wolves Monette, Sarah & Bear, Elizabeth  
 An Apprentice to Elves Monette, Sarah & Bear, Elizabeth  
 A Cup of Normal Monk, Devon  
 Autumn Moody, David101
 Autumn: Aftermath Moody, David  
 Autumn: Disintegration Moody, David  
 Autumn: Purification Moody, David  
 Autumn: The City Moody, David83
 Autumn: The Human Condition Moody, David  
 Against the Odds Moon, Elizabeth84
 A Nomad of the Time Streams Moorcock, Michael82
 A Sailor on the Seas of Fate Moorcock, Michael101
 A Dirty Job Moore, Christopher91
 A Pirate's Daughter Moore, Theresa M.  
 A Blessing and a Curse: Autism and Me Mor, Caiseal  
 Another War Morden, Simon  
 Apocalypse Array Morehouse, Lyda81
 Archangel Protocol Morehouse, Lyda92
 Altered Carbon Morgan, Richard826
 Adolphus Tips Morphurgo, Micheal  
 A Remembrance for Kedrigern Morressy, John  
 A Voice for Princess Morressy, John91
 A Practical Guide to Faeries Morris, Susan J.51
 A Whale For The Killing Mowat, Farley  
 A Riddle of Roses Mullin, Caryl Cude72
 A Monster Calls Ness, Patrick  
 Apartment 16 Nevill, Adam  
 A March into Darkness Newcomb, Robert  
 An English Ghost Story Newman, Kim  
 Anno Dracula Newman, Kim101
 A Gathering of Shadows Nicholls, Stan94
 Army of Shadows Nicholls, Stan  
 A Gift from Earth Niven, Larry85
 A Hole In Space (collection) Niven, Larry73
 A Confusion of Princes Nix, Garth913
 Abhorsen Nix, Garth944
 Above The Veil Nix, Garth912
 Across the Wall Nix, Garth915
 Aenir Nix, Garth919
 As You Wish Nour, Myra  
 Arlyn and the Purloin Bane Nourie, Dana55
 A Game of Universe Nylund, Eric S.914
 A Signal Shattered Nylund, Eric S.96
 All That Lives Must Die Nylund, Eric S.  
 Apocalypse Dawn Odom, Mel  
 Anywhere But Here Oltion, Jerry  
 Airborn Oppel, Kenneth710
 Amazing Stories Ordover, John J.  
 Animal Farm Orwell, George84
 Afternoon on the Amazon Osborne, Mary Pope  
 Artemis Palmer, Philip  
 A Brush of Darkness Pang, Allison  
 A Sliver of Shadow Pang, Allison  
 A Princess of Roumania Park, Paul81
 Avatar Passarella, John51
 Along Came a Spider Patterson, James91
 Angel Patterson, James  
 Avatar Perry, S. D.  
 Avatar 2 Perry, S. D.  
 At the Edge of Waking Phillips, Holly  
 A Rush of Wings Phoenix, Adrian  
 A Gathering of Gargoyles Pierce, Meredith Ann88
 Alanna: The First Adventure Pierce, Tamora8130
 Alosha Pike, Christopher101
 A Stone's Throw Poessel, Louis  
 An Epitaph in Rust Powers, Tim81
 A Blink of the Screen Pratchett, Terry  
 A Hat Full of Sky Pratchett, Terry73
 A Tourist Guide to Lancre Pratchett, Terry11
 Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents Pratchett, Terry94
 A Yoke of Magic Proctor, George W. & Vardeman, Robert E.  
 A Distant Magic Putney, Mary Jo  
 Against the Day Pynchon, Thomas  
 Anthem Rand, Ayn62
 Atlas Shrugged Rand, Ayn85
 A Dog Called Demolition Rankin, Robert91
 Apocalypso Rankin, Robert81
 Armageddon: The Musical Rankin, Robert71
 Another One Bites the Dust Rardin, Jennifer  
 A Darkling Plain Reeve, Philip  
 After On: A Novel of Silicon Valley Reid, Rob33
 Area 7 Reilly, Matthew82
 A Hunger in the Soul Resnick, Mike  
 A Miracle of Rare Design Resnick, Mike91
 Adventures Resnick, Mike51
 Alternate Outlaws Resnick, Mike  
 Amulet of Power Resnick, Mike  
 A Blonde in Africa Resnick, Laura & Resnick, Mike  
 A Million Suns Revis, Beth  
 Across the Universe Revis, Beth  
 Absolution Gap Reynolds, Alastair89
 A Ride into Morning: A story of Tempe Wick Rinaldi, Ann  
 A Stitch in Time Rinaldi, Ann101
 Amelia's War Rinaldi, Ann75
 An Acquaintance With Darkness Rinaldi, Ann101
 A Deeper Blue Ringo, John  
 A Hymn Before Battle Ringo, John818
 Against the Tide Ringo, John81
 A Pride of Princes Roberson, Jennifer71
 A Tapestry of Lions Roberson, Jennifer83
 A Little Magic Roberts, Nora101
 All That Glitters Roberts, Rachel818
 All's Fairy in Love & War Roberts, Rachel88
 anita Roberts, Keith  
 A Short, Sharp Shock Robinson, Kim Stanley81
 A Stitch in Time Robinson, Andrew85
 American Gothic Romkey, Michael  
 A Flame In Hali Ross, Deborah J. & Bradley, Marion Zimmer62
 Allegiant Roth, Veronica  
 A Sword for a Dragon Rowley, Christopher101
 Alyx Russ, Joanna  
 Air : Or, Have Not Have Ryman, Geoff  
 A Coldness in the Blood Saberhagen, Fred101
 A Sharpness on the Neck Saberhagen, Fred82
 An Armory of Swords Saberhagen, Fred91
 An Old Friend of the Family Saberhagen, Fred82
 Ardneh's Sword Saberhagen, Fred  
 Ariadne's Web Saberhagen, Fred  
 Ancient, Ancient: Short Fiction Salaam, Kiini Ibura  
 Archmage salvatore, r.a.  
 Ascendance Salvatore, R.A.83
 Alcatraz Versus The Evil Librarians Sanderson, Brandon  
 Alcatraz Versus The Knights Of Crystallia Sanderson, Brandon  
 Alcatraz Versus The Scrivener's Bones Sanderson, Brandon  
 A Fury Scorned Sargent, Pamela & Zebrowski, George  
 Across the Universe Sargent, Pamela & Zebrowski, George  
 A Mist of Prophecies Saylor, Steven  
 A Murder on the Appian Way Saylor, Steven  
 Arms of Nemesis Saylor, Steven  
 Agent to the Stars Scalzi, John73
 A Pride of Monsters Schmitz, James H.  
 Agent of Vega Schmitz, James H.83
 A Clockwork Heart Schwarz, Liesel  
 A Conspiracy of Alchemists Schwarz, Liesel  
 A Celtic Odyssey Scott, Michael  
 A Choice of Destinies Scott, Melissa  
 A Spell of Empire Scott Rohan, Michael & Scott, Allan82
 A Rat's Tale Seidler, Tor  
 Avalon Seton, Anya91
 Allies of the Night Shan, Darren104
 All Spell Breaks Loose Shearin, Lisa  
 Armed & Magical Shearin, Lisa  
 A Call to Arms Sheckley, Robert  
 Alien Harvest Sheckley, Robert  
 Alien Starswarm Sheckley, Robert  
 Audacious Shepherd, Mike  
 A Strange and Ancient Name Sherman, Josepha  
 A World of Hurt Sherman, David & Cragg, Dan  
 Alleluia Files Shinn, Sharon85
 Angelica Shinn, Sharon84
 Angel-Seeker Shinn, Sharon81
 Archangel Shinn, Sharon911
 A Recordação Imóvel Silva, Luís Filipe81
 A Crown Of Feathers Silverfang, Anusis  
 A Choice of Gods Simak, Clifford D.82
 A Heritage of Stars Simak, Clifford D.61
 All Flesh Is Grass Simak, Clifford D.84
 All the Traps of Earth and Other Stories Simak, Clifford D.71
 An Accidental Goddess Sinclair, Linnea81
 Angels' Blood Singh, Nalini  
 American Succubus Skipworth, G.F.  
 A Guide to the Star Wars Universe Slavicsek, Bill  
 A Door into Ocean Slonczewski, Joan  
 Ascendancy of the Last Smedman, Lisa  
 A Hard Rain Smith, Dean Wesley  
 A Rendezvous in Averoigne Smith, Clark Ashton  
 A Taste Sweet and Salty Smith, Douglas  
 Always the Night Smith, Kate  
 Animal Talk: Interspecies Telepathic Communication Smith, Penelope  
 A Kiss Before the Apocalypse Sniegoski, Thomas E.  
 Aerie Sniegoski, Thomas E.  
 And All Between Snyder, Zilpha Keatley  
 A Brothers Price Spencer, Wen92
 Alien Taste Spencer, Wen62
 Atalanta the hunter Spinner, Stephanie  
 Alien Conspiracy Stab, Martin  
 A Gathering Evil Stackpole, Michael A.92
 A Hero Born Stackpole, Michael A.88
 A Secret Atlas Stackpole, Michael A.101
 Assumption of Risk Stackpole, Michael A.85
 At the Queen's Command Stackpole, Michael A.  
 An Enemy Reborn Stackpole, Michael A. & Wu, William F.75
 Absolutes and Other Stories Stanek, Robert94
 Among Madmen Starlin, Jim & Graziunas, Daina  
 A Company of Stars Stasheff, Christopher85
 A Slight Detour Stasheff, Christopher73
 A Wizard and a Warlord Stasheff, Christopher91
 A Wizard in a Feud Stasheff, Christopher81
 A Wizard in Absentia Stasheff, Christopher72
 A Wizard in Bedlam Stasheff, Christopher  
 A Wizard in Chaos Stasheff, Christopher  
 A Wizard in Midgard Stasheff, Christopher  
 A Wizard in Mind Stasheff, Christopher  
 A Wizard in Peace Stasheff, Christopher  
 A Wizard in the Way Stasheff, Christopher  
 A Wizard in War Stasheff, Christopher  
 Armor Steakley, John911
 A King of Infinite Space Steele, Allen M.  
 A Checklist of Roger Zelazny Stephens, Christopher P. & Zelazny, Roger82
 Anathem Stephenson, Neal  
 Adam Sandler Stern, D. A.  
 Adam Sandler: An Unauthorized Biography Stern, Dave  
 A College of Magics Stevermer, Caroline52
 A Scholar of Magics Stevermer, Caroline91
 A Walk in Wolf Wood Stewart, Mary91
 Airs Above the Ground Stewart, Mary101
 Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns Stine, R. L.  
 A Meeting at Corvallis Stirling, S. M.  
 A Taint in the Blood Stirling, S. M.  
 Against the Tide of Years Stirling, S. M.82
 Anakin Skywalker Strasser, Todd71
 A Dark Matter Straub, Peter  
 Accelerando Stross, Charles  
 Age of Swords Sullivan, Michael J.64
 A Redtail''s Dream Sundberg, Minna  
 At World's End Sutherland, T. T.  
 Air Swallow, James  
 A Mind Apart Szatmari, MD, Peter  
 A Fall of Princes Tarr, Judith81
 A Wind in Cairo Tarr, Judith101
 Alamut Tarr, Judith  
 Arrows of the Sun Tarr, Judith  
 Ars Magica Tarr, Judith  
 Avaryan Resplendent Tarr, Judith  
 Aikido: More Than a Martial Art Taylor, Roger42
 Arash-Felloren Taylor, Roger82
 After Long Silence Tepper, Sheri S.91
 A Hero's Justice Thompson, Paul B. & Cook, Tonya C.  
 A Warrior's Journey Thompson, Paul B. & Cook, Tonya C.74
 Alliances Thompson, Paul B. & Cook, Tonya C.  
 A Yuletide Universe: Sixteen Fantastical Tales Thomsen, Brian M.  
 Amatka Tidbeck, Karin  
 An Occupation of Angels Tidhar, Lavie  
 Aurora Tiedemann, Mark W.103
 Awakening Tiernman, Cate  
 Adventures of Tom Bombadil Tolkien, J.R.R.815
 Ancrene Wisse Tree and Leaf Tolkien, J.R.R.51
 A Confederacy of DUNCES Toole, John & Percy, Walker91
 Angus MacBain And The Island of Sleeping Kings Townsend, Angela & , J  
 Ally Traviss, Karen  
 Anvil Gate Traviss, Karen  
 Aspho Fields Traviss, Karen  
 at world's end trimble, irene  
 A Host of Dragons Troop, Alan F.  
 A Different Flesh Turtledove, Harry81
 A World of Difference Turtledove, Harry  
 Advance and Retreat Turtledove, Harry  
 After the Downfall Turtledove, Harry81
 Agent of Byzantium Turtledove, Harry93
 Alternate Generals Turtledove, Harry  
 Alternate Generals II Turtledove, Harry  
 Alternate Generals III Turtledove, Harry  
 American Empire: Blood and Iron Turtledove, Harry71
 American Empire: The Center Cannot Hold Turtledove, Harry93
 American Empire: The Victorious Opposition Turtledove, Harry94
 American Front Turtledove, Harry83
 An Emperor for the Legion Turtledove, Harry82
 Armistice: The Hot War Turtledove, Harry  
 Aakuta: the Dark Mage Tuttle, Richard S.82
 Abuud: the One-Eyed God Tuttle, Richard S.94
 Amethyst of the Gods Tuttle, Richard S.94
 Ancient Prophecy Tuttle, Richard S.94
 Army of the Dead Tuttle, Richard S.82
 Alhazred: Author of the Necronomicon Tyson, Donald  
 Angel Eyes Van Lustbader, Eric102
 Art Kills Van Lustbader, Eric  
 Alastor Vance, Jack91
 A Hidden Magic Vande Velde, Vivian71
 A Well-Timed Enchantment Vande Velde, Vivian81
 Around the world in 80 days Verne, Jules87
 afterburn Viehl, S. L.  
 Alpha Vincent, Rachel  
 An Eye For An Eye Vincent, Vivian  
 A Deepness in the Sky Vinge, Vernor926
 A Fire Upon the Deep Vinge, Vernor933
 Across Realtime Vinge, Vernor96
 A Time to Be Born Vornholt, John81
 A Time to Die Vornholt, John  
 Antimatter Vornholt, John  
 A Whisper From Shadow Vucak, Stefan  
 Against the Gods of Shadow Vucak, Stefan  
 Among Others Walton, Jo  
 A Blackbird in Amber Warrington, Freda51
 A Blackbird in Darkness Warrington, Freda  
 A Blackbird in Silver Warrington, Freda  
 A Blackbird in Twilight Warrington, Freda  
 A Dance in Blood Velvet Warrington, Freda101
 A Taste of Blood Wine Warrington, Freda101
 A Tangled Web Watson, Jude81
 Against the Empire Watson, Jude101
 Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons Watterson, Bill  
 A Young Man Without Magic Watt-Evans, Lawrence  
 Above His Proper Station Watt-Evans, Lawrence  
 Among the Powers Watt-Evans, Lawrence  
 A Mighty Fortress Weber, David  
 A Rising Thunder Weber, David  
 Ashes of Victory Weber, David811
 At All Costs Weber, David73
 A Kings Quest Wedhorn, AV84
 A Warrior's Death Wee, Janice  
 A Dragon Lover's Treasury of the Fantastic Weis, Margaret  
 A Magic-Lover's Treasury of the Fantastic Weis, Margaret  
 A Quest-Lover's Treasury of the Fantastic Weis, Margaret  
 Amber and Ashes Weis, Margaret101
 Amber and Blood Weis, Margaret  
 Amber and Iron Weis, Margaret101
 A Dawn of Dragons Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy  
 A Rumor of Dragons Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy97
 Afterworlds Westerfeld, Scott  
 Alien Emergencies White, James  
 All Judgment Fled White, James  
 Ambulance Ship White, James  
 Army of Terror Whitman, John  
 A Wrongful Death Wilhelm, Kate101
 A Stark and Wormy Knight Williams, Tad  
 Allamanda Williams, Michael  
 Ambassador of Progress Williams, Walter Jon81
 Angel Station Williams, Walter Jon71
 Angelos Williams, Robina  
 Arcady Williams, Michael91
 Aristoi Williams, Walter Jon81
 A Dark Imbalance Williams, Sean & Dix, Shane71
 Ascent Williams, Sean & Dix, Shane  
 All Clear Willis, Connie  
 A Woman's Liberation: A Choice of Futures by and about Women Willis, Connie & Williams, Sheila  
 A Boy and His Bot Wilson, Daniel H.  
 All the Rage Wilson, F. Paul84
 Amped Wilson, Daniel H.  
 Axis Wilson, Robert Charles  
 Assault on Yavin Four Windham, Ryder101
 Attack on Delrakkin Windham, Ryder  
 An Evil Guest Wolfe, Gene42
 Ascendancy Veil Wooding, Chris  
 Alliance of Light I: Fugitive Prince Wurts, Janny84
 Alliance of Light II: Grand Conspiracy Wurts, Janny85
 Alliance of Light III: Peril's Gate Wurts, Janny910
 Alliance of Light IV: Traitor's Knot Wurts, Janny97
 Alliance of Light V: Stormed Fortress Wurts, Janny91
 Across the Flame WYLIE, JONATHAN  
 ALIEN BEACH Yngve, A.R.11
 A Sending of Dragons Yolen, Jane75
 Armaggedon Summer Yolen, Jane & Coville, Bruce71
 A Coming of Age Zahn, Timothy101
 Allegiance Zahn, Timothy  
 Angelmass Zahn, Timothy83
 Alone at Midnight Zavoda, Scott  
 A Dark Traveling Zelazny, Roger81
 A Night in Lonesome October Zelazny, Roger911
 A Rhapsody in Amber Zelazny, Roger81
 A Rose for Ecclesiastes Zelazny, Roger813
 A Farce to Be Reckoned With Zelazny, Roger & Sheckley, Robert74
 A Sorcerer's Treason Zettel, Sarah82
 Angelfire Zicree, Marc Scott & Bohnhoff, Maya Kaathryn91

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