Home George R.R. Martin Aces Abroad

Aces Abroad (Wild Cards)
Series: Wild Cards
Volume: 4
Genre: SF
ISBN: 5550707802
Pages: 522 pages
Publisher: Bantam Books
Price: $7.99
Reader Rating: Not rated
Aces Abroad by George R.R. Martin

Description: What would our world be like if superhuman villains had been real flesh and blood men and women who lived through the 20th century's most turbulent history? In Wild Cards 4: Aces Abroad, a fact-finding mission seeks the truth about how Wild Cards are treated in other nations. From the jungles of Haiti to the Great Wall of China and behind the Iron Curtain, the Wild Cards team investigates the fate of their fellow Aces and Jokers everywhere.

Also in this series are Deuces Down, Inside Straight, Wild Cards, Aces High, Joker's Wild, Down & Dirty, Ace in the Hole, Dead Man's Hand, One-Eyed Jacks, Jokertown Shuffle, Double Solitaire, Dealer's Choice, Turn of the Cards, Card Sharks, Marked Cards, Black Trump Return to the George R.R. Martin page.

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