Home George R.R. Martin, Edward Bryant Wild Cards

Wild Cards (Wild Cards)
Series: Wild Cards
Volume: 1
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0743423801
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Price: £9.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 6
Wild Cards by George R.R. Martin & Edward Bryant

Description: After World War II, an alien virus arrived on Earth and the world was never the same. For those who became infected, there were two results - death, or transformation. Some, the lucky few, became super-human 'aces', while most turned into grotesque 'jokers'. Welcome to a strange, wonderful world.

Also in this series are Deuces Down, Inside Straight, Aces High, Joker's Wild, Aces Abroad, Down & Dirty, Ace in the Hole, Dead Man's Hand, One-Eyed Jacks, Jokertown Shuffle, Double Solitaire, Dealer's Choice, Turn of the Cards, Card Sharks, Marked Cards, Black Trump Return to the George R.R. Martin page, Edward Bryant page.

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