
16584 SF books. Select a book to list it's details or select the author to list the novels written by them.

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599 "f" books to be listed.

Sorted by Surname.
Books with Titles Starting with F
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 Foxglove Summer Aaronovitch, Ben  
 First Blood Abbey, Lynn  
 Forge of Virtue Abbey, Lynn71
 Flatland Abbott, Edwin A.91
 Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions Abbott, Edwin A.62
 Fell Cargo Abnett, Dan81
 First and Only Abnett, Dan102
 First Light Ackroyd, Peter  
 Fog Hounds, Wind Cat, Sea Mice Aiken, Joan  
 Frankenstein Unbound Aldiss, Brian  
 Farside Cannon Allen, Roger MacBride91
 Forest of the Pygmies Allende, Isabel  
 Fury Allston, Aaron  
 Fantastic Voyage: Microcosm Anderson, Kevin J.71
 Feed Anderson, M. T.81
 Fight For Life Anderson, Laurie  
 Fire Time Anderson, Poul  
 Flandry of Terra Anderson, Poul  
 Flowers in the Attic Andrews, Virginia Cleo924
 Faun and Games Anthony, Piers95
 For Love of Evil Anthony, Piers811
 Fractal Mode Anthony, Piers73
 Fullmetal Alchemist Arakawa, Hiromu93
 Firefly Island Arenson, Daniel  
 full moon wo sagashie arina, tanemura  
 full moon wo sagashite arina, tanemura101
 Frostbitten Armstrong, Kelley  
 Full Moon Rising Arthur, Keri  
 Flight into Darkness Ash, Sarah  
 Forward the Foundation Asimov, Isaac86
 Foundation Asimov, Isaac933
 Foundation and Earth Asimov, Isaac814
 Foundation and Empire Asimov, Isaac920
 Foundation's Edge Asimov, Isaac89
 For King & Country Asprin, Robert & Evans, Linda  
 Falcondance Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia740
 foal in the fog baglio, ben  
 foals in the field baglio, ben91
 Following the Rainbow baglio, ben91
 fox in the frost baglio, ben91
 Flames of the Dragon Bailey, Robin Wayne  
 Frost Bailey, Robin Wayne101
 Farthest Reach Baker, Richard  
 Forsaken House Baker, Richard101
 Flameweaver Ball, Margaret91
 Four Dimensional Nightmare Ballard, J. G.73
 Feersum Endjinn Banks, Iain M.914
 Flamesong Barker, M. A. R.927
 Forms of Heaven Barker, Clive  
 Far Beyond the Stars Barnes, Steve  
 Finity Barnes, John51
 Fellow Traveler Barton, William & Copobianco, Michael  
 Flood Baxter, Stephen  
 Firstborn Baxter, Stephen & Clarke, Arthur C.  
 Foundation and Chaos Bear, Greg82
 Fall of a Kingdom Bell, Hilari94
 Flame Bell, Hilari51
 Forging the Sword Bell, Hilari101
 Furious Gulf Benford, Gregory  
 Forgotten History Bennett, Christopher L.  
 Flesh and Spirit Berg, Carol  
 Full Circle Beyer, Kirsten  
 Final Impact Birmingham, John  
 Fire on the Mountain Bisson, Terry  
 Firebug Bloch, Robert  
 Flight of Exiles Bova, Ben82
 Frozen Fire Bowler, Tim  
 Frontier Earth Boxleitner, Bruce  
 Freydis And Gudrid Boyer, Elizabeth H.  
 Full Circle Boyle, Michael74
 Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury, Ray825
 From the Dust Returned : A Family Remembrance Bradbury, Ray81
 Falcons of Narabella Bradley, Marion Zimmer71
 Feast of the King's Shadow Brenchley, Chaz51
 Faerie Wars Brennan, Herbie73
 Framer Brian, Ben Abix101
 Fair Game Briggs, Patricia11
 Frost Burned Briggs, Patricia  
 Foundation's Triumph Brin, David71
 First Rider's Call Britain, Kristen914
 Fire and Sword Brown, Simon101
 Fated Browne, S. G.  
 Five Hundred Years After Brust, Steven96
 Freedom and Necessity Brust, Steven & Bull, Emma81
 Farlander Buchanan, Col  
 Falling Free Bujold, Lois McMaster86
 Falcon Bull, Emma  
 Finder Bull, Emma96
 Firemask Bunch, Chris81
 First Lord's Fury Butcher, Jim91
 Fool Moon Butcher, Jim910
 Furies Of Calderon Butcher, Jim84
 Forbidden Byers, Richard Lee  
 Forsworn Byers, Richard Lee  
 Fright Line Byers, Richard Lee  
 Figures of Earth Cabell, James Branch  
 From the Hidden Way Cabell, James Branch  
 Fade Out Caine, Rachel  
 Feast of Fools Caine, Rachel  
 Firestorm Caine, Rachel41
 Frenzetta Calder, Richard11
 Fearless Campbell, Jack & Hemry, John G.101
 First Meetings : In the Enderverse Card, Orson Scott62
 Future on Ice Card, Orson Scott  
 Final Frontier Carey, Diane72
 Fire Ship Carey, Diane  
 Flashback Carey, Diane & Braga, Brannon  
 First Frontier Carey, Diane & Kirkland, James I.  
 Full Blooded Carlson, Amanda  
 From the Teeth of Angels Carroll, Jonathan  
 Fairest Carson Levine, Gail94
 Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg Carson Levine, Gail101
 Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces Carter, Angela101
 From a Changeling Star Carver, Jeffrey A.101
 Fire Cashore, Kristin  
 Find Your Own Truth Charrette, Robert N.82
 Faery in Shadow Cherryh, C.J.102
 Finity's End Cherryh, C.J.94
 Fires of Azeroth Cherryh, C.J.93
 Foreigner Cherryh, C.J.85
 Forge of Heaven Cherryh, C.J.71
 Fortress in the Eye of Time Cherryh, C.J.810
 Fortress of Dragons Cherryh, C.J.93
 Fortress of Eagles Cherryh, C.J.82
 Fortress of Ice Cherryh, C.J.  
 Forty Thousand in Gehenna Cherryh, C.J.62
 First Flight Claremont, Chris84
 Fountains of Paradise Clarke, Arthur C.97
 Fell Clement-Davies, David87
 Fire Bringer Clement-Davies, David964
 Fleet of the Damned Cole, Allan & Bunch, Chris84
 Flashpoint Coleman, Loren L.  
 Faded Steel Heat Cook, Glen98
 First Truth Cook, Dawn73
 Forgotten Truth Cook, Dawn81
 For All Time Cooney, Caroline B.101
 Freeze Tag Cooney, Caroline B.81
 From Potter's Field cornwell, patricia  
 Forged By Fire Cross, Janine  
 Floodgate Cunningham, Elaine  
 Flood Tide Cussler, Clive  
 Fire Ice Cussler, Clive & Kemprecos, Paul  
 forever sam dale, jenny105
 Fall of the White Ship Avator Daley, Brian96
 Fanglith Dalmas, John  
 Fractured Time D'Ambrosio, Michael  
 Firebird D'Angelou, Susannah101
 Future Sports Dann, Jack & Dozois, Gardner  
 Firefly Rain Dansky, Richard E.  
 Fallowblade Dart-Thornton, Cecilia  
 For the Glory David, Peter  
 Forests of the Heart de Lint, Charles82
 From a Whisper to a Scream de Lint, Charles  
 Fireshaper's Doom Deitz, Tom73
 Faces of Deception Denning, Troy  
 fast friends de'villers, julia42
 Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Dick, Philip K.83
 Flight of Dragons Dickinson, Peter81
 For More Than Glory Dietz, William C.  
 For Those Who Fell Dietz, William C.  
 Freehold Dietz, William C.  
 Fire Star D'lacey, Chris89
 For the Win Doctorow, Cory  
 Fatal Revenant Donaldson, Stephen  
 Fighting Chance Dorsey, Angela  
 Frantic Flight Dorsey, Angela  
 Freedom's Echo Dorsey, Angela  
 Freedom's Whisper Dorsey, Angela  
 Fireships Drake, David42
 Foreign Legions Drake, David  
 Fortress Drake, David91
 Fortune's Stroke Drake, David  
 From the Heart of Darkness Drake, David91
 Faery Lands Forlorn Duncan, Dave92
 Future Indefinite Duncan, Dave95
 Fearless Durgin, Doranna  
 Fleeting Fancy Edghill, Rosemary  
 Fire in the Blood Elrod, P. N.101
 Final Sacrifice Emery, Clayton61
 Fishin' With Grandma Matchie Erikson, Steven  
 Forge of Darkness Erikson, Steven  
 Four To Score Evanovich, Janet  
 From the Notebooks of Dr. Brain Faust, Minister  
 Face of the Enemy Fawkes, Richard  
 Fisherman's Hope Feintuch, David93
 Faerie Tale Feist, Raymond E.920
 Flight of the Nighthawks Feist, Raymond E.814
 First Among Sequels Fforde, Jasper101
 From Time to Time Finney, Jack  
 Flain's Coronet Fisher, Catherine  
 Falling to Destiny Fleming, Peter92
 From Russia with Love Fleming, Ian82
 Flight of the Dragon Kyn Fletcher, Susan  
 Fortune's Stroke Flint, Eric & Drake, David89
 Forward the Mage Flint, Eric & Roach, Richard81
 Fallen Angels Flynn, Michael  
 Falling Stars Flynn, Michael  
 Firestar Flynn, Michael81
 From the End of the Twentieth Century Ford, John M.82
 Fateful Lightning Forstchen, William R.81
 Fireborn Forward, Toby  
 Flight of the Dragonfly Forward, Robert L.  
 Flinx in Flux Foster, Alan Dean83
 Flinx Transcendent Foster, Alan Dean71
 Flinx's Folly Foster, Alan Dean82
 For Love of Mother Not Foster, Alan Dean911
 Forbidden Area Frank, Pat42
 Full Circle Freeman, Pamela  
 Flesh and Blood French, Jackie  
 Flesh and Blood French, Jackie  
 Faces of Fire Friedman, Michael Jan  
 Feast of Souls Friedman, C. S.  
 Fortune's Light Friedman, Michael Jan  
 First Drop of Crimson Frost, Jeaniene  
 Fitcher's Brides Frost, Gregory71
 Forge of Faith Funk, Bret M.  
 Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders Gaiman, Neil  
 Foreign Foes Galanter, Dave & Brodeur, Greg  
 Frost Garland, Mark A. & McGraw, Charles G.  
 Foop! Genoa, Chris95
 Frightful's Mountain George, Jean Craighead101
 Fortress Gerrand, Rob  
 From the Heart of the Storm Giambastiani, Kurt R.A.95
 Final Days Gibson, Gary  
 Fire From The Moon Gillespie, Donna  
 Flesh and Fire Gilman, Laura Anne  
 Free Fall Gilman, Laura Anne  
 Firelord Godwin, Parke  
 Faith of the Fallen Goodkind, Terry850
 Freefall Gordon, Roderick & Williams, Brian  
 Flesh and Gold Gotlieb, Phyllis  
 Firestorm Graf, L. A.  
 Future Imperfect Graf, L. A.  
 F is for Fugitive Grafton, Sue  
 Fat Grant, Rob  
 Feed Grant, Mira  
 Fey Born Gray, R. Garland  
 Fire Music Gray, Julia101
 Fear and Loathing in Haven Green, Simon R.101
 For Heaven's Eyes Only Green, Simon R.71
 From Hell With Love Green, Simon R.81
 Faerie Tales Greenberg, Martin H. & Davis, Russell  
 Far Frontiers Greenberg, Martin H. & Segriff, Larry  
 Future Wars Greenberg, Martin H. & Segriff, Larry  
 Fire Planet Griffin, P. M.71
 Felaheen Grimwood, Jon Courtenay83
 Faith of the Unforgotten Grody, Leathel101
 Finished Haggard, H. Rider  
 Forever Free Haldeman, Joe64
 Forever Peace Haldeman, Joe73
 Future Weapons of War Haldeman, Joe & Greenberg, Martin H.81
 Forest Born Hale, Shannon  
 Fallen Dragon Hamilton, Peter F.99
 Flirt Hamilton, Laurell K.  
 Fight the Future Hand, Elizabeth  
 Fly by Night Hardinge, Frances  
 Fly Trap Hardinge, Frances71
 From Dead to Worse Harris, Charlaine91
 For a Few Demons More Harrison, Kim84
 Flawless Hauf, Michele  
 Farmer in the Sky Heinlein, Robert A.73
 Farnham's Freehold Heinlein, Robert A.96
 For Us, The Living Heinlein, Robert A.41
 Friday Heinlein, Robert A.84
 Future Crimes with Martin Greenberg Helfers, John  
 Flight of the Fallen Herbert, Mary H.101
 Fool's Errand Hobb, Robin936
 Fool's Fate Hobb, Robin923
 Forest Mage Hobb, Robin64
 Falling Sideways Holt, Tom  
 Faust Among Equals Holt, Tom83
 Flying Dutch Holt, Tom82
 For Two Nights Only Holt, Tom91
 Fanuilh Hood, Daniel93
 Fear Hubbard, L. Ron92
 Fortune of Fear Hubbard, L. Ron11
 Fifth Quarter Huff, Tanya  
 Fallen Heroes Hugh, Dafydd ab61
 Fool Me Twice Hughes, Matthew94
 Fools Errant Hughes, Matthew75
 Fading Echoes Hunter, Erin913
 Fire and Ice Hunter, Erin9236
 Forest of Secrets Hunter, Erin9217
 Fated Jacka, Benedict  
 Fortunes of Brak Jakes, John  
 Fame, Glory, and Other Things on My To Do List Janette, Rallison  
 Finn Family Moomintroll Jansson, Tove61
 Farewell Horizontal Jeter, K. W.  
 Finding Destiny Johnson, Jean  
 Fears and Phantoms Jones, Eleanor  
 Fire And Hemlock Jones, Diana Wynne97
 From the Two Rivers Jordan, Robert75
 Fitzpatrick's War Judson, Theodore  
 Fallen Kate, Lauren73
 Free Fall Keith, Jr., William H.  
 Farm Girls Keller, Annie51
 Finderworld Kellett, Doreen  
 Fantasy Lover Kenyon, Sherrilyn101
 Freezeframes Kerr, Katharine  
 Final Reckoning: The Fate of Bester Keyes, J. Gregory101
 Flowers For Algernon Keyes, Daniel77
 Fangs of K'aath Kidd, Paul  
 Fey Kidd, Paul  
 Fire Sanctuary Kimbriel, Katharine Eliska  
 Fires of Nuala Kimbriel, Katharine Eliska101
 Farseer King, William  
 Firestarter King, Stephen96
 Four Past Midnight King, Stephen101
 From A Buick 8 King, Stephen84
 Full Dark, No Stars King, Stephen  
 Flint the King Kirchoff, Mary & Niles, Douglas91
 Freaks: Alive, on the Inside! Klause, Annette Curtis81
 Firedrake Knaak, Richard A.94
 Frostwing Knaak, Richard A.91
 Fade to Black Knight, Francis  
 Fall with Honor Knight, E. E.  
 Far Out Knight, Damon  
 False Memory Koontz, Dean62
 Fear Nothing Koontz, Dean73
 Forever Odd Koontz, Dean  
 From the Corner of His Eye Koontz, Dean95
 Frankenstein: Prodigal Son Koontz, Dean & Anderson, Kevin J.  
 Fata Morgana Kotzwinkle, William  
 Fires of the Faithful Kritzer, Naomi  
 Fury Kuttner, Henry  
 Fiddler Fair Lackey, Mercedes  
 Fire Rose Lackey, Mercedes96
 Firebird Lackey, Mercedes87
 Fortune's Fool Lackey, Mercedes91
 Foundation Lackey, Mercedes  
 Four and Twenty Blackbirds Lackey, Mercedes63
 Fortress of Frost and Fire Lackey, Mercedes & Emerson, Ru64
 Freedom Flight Lackey, Mercedes & Guon, Ellen21
 Fading Scars Lavalle, Krys83
 Four Ways to Forgiveness Le Guin, Ursula K.82
 Face Lebbon, Tim  
 Fallen Lebbon, Tim  
 Faces Under Water Lee, Tanith  
 Fools' Experiments Lerner, Edward M.  
 Future Washington Lerner, Edward M.  
 Fairest Levine, Gail Carson  
 Face Of The Shadow L'Homme, Erik102
 Farfetch Lichtenberg, Jacqueline  
 Flint House Liles, Nancetta71
 Frenzy Liparulo, Robert  
 Flyover Country Lippert, George Norman101
 Fire in the Mist Lisle, Holly  
 Familiars Little, Denise  
 Flight Lopez, Donald  
 Flight to the Savage Empire Lorrah, Jean & Howlett, Winston A  
 First Channel LORRAH, JEAN & Lichtenberg, Jacqueline83
 Fruiting Bodies and Other Fungi Lumley, Brian82
 Feathers of the Thunderbird Luther, Kaitlin101
 Flatman manzer, Ben  
 Foxmask Marillier, Juliet101
 Fire Logic Marks, Laurie J.  
 Fragile Eternity Marr, Melissa  
 Fevre Dream Martin, George R.R.813
 Field of death Martin, Les  
 Feather & Bone; The Crow Chronicles: Bk 1The Mob Martini, Clem  
 Farspace Anthology: Pt. 1 Matthews, P. A.  
 Fairyland Mcauley, Paul J.  
 Fantasies Incorporated: The Dinner Date McAvoy, Bridy  
 Fantasies Incorporated: The Taxi Ride McAvoy, Bridy  
 Freedoms Challenge McCaffrey, Anne78
 Freedoms Choice McCaffrey, Anne78
 Freedoms Landing McCaffrey, Anne813
 Freedom's Ransom McCaffrey, Anne79
 First Warning: Acorna's Children McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann91
 Forbidden Magic McCray, Cheyenne  
 Firebird McDevitt, Jack  
 Future Sight McGough, Scott & Delaney, John  
 Fool's Run McKillip, Patricia A.82
 Flesh Eaters McKinney, Joe  
 for this land- megs prairie diary mcmullan, kate  
 Fulgrim McNeill, Graham71
 Frostbite Mead, Richelle73
 Fingerprints #1: Gifted Touch Melinda, Metz  
 Fingerprints #2: Haunted Melinda, Metz  
 Fingerprints #3: Trust Me Melinda, Metz  
 Fingerprints #4: Secrets Melinda, Metz  
 Fingerprints #5: Betrayed Melinda, Metz  
 Fingerprints #6: Revelations Melinda, Metz  
 Fingerprints #7: Payback Melinda, Metz  
 Far Harbor Michaels, Melisa82
 First Battle Michaels, Melisa82
 Floater Factor Michaels, Melisa82
 Firethorn Micklem, Sarah101
 Flight of the Falcon Milan, Victor  
 From the Depths Milan, Victor81
 For The Emperor Mitchell, Sandy91
 Fall of Angels Modesitt Jnr., L.E.75
 Flash Modesitt Jnr., L.E.61
 Final Quest Monaco, Richard  
 Faefever Moning, Karen Marie  
 Fever Moon Moning, Karen Marie  
 Fluke: Or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings Moore, Christopher  
 Full Medical Moore, Steven M  
 From Hell Moore, Alan & Campbell, Eddie95
 Fallen Host Morehouse, Lyda62
 From Hereabout Hill Morphurgo, Micheal  
 Firebird Morwood, Peter81
 Firedrake Morwood, Peter  
 Futureland Mosley, Walter  
 Fablehaven Mull, Brandon84
 Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague Mull, Brandon84
 Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star Mull, Brandon101
 Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary Mull, Brandon  
 Firespell Neill, Chloe  
 Friday Night Bites Neill, Chloe  
 Fade to Black Nicholls, Stan82
 Firesong Nicholson, William63
 Fate of Thorbardin Niles, Douglas  
 Fistandantilus Reborn Niles, Douglas81
 Flatlander: the Collected Tales of Gil "the Arm" Hamilton Niven, Larry73
 Fleet of Worlds Niven, Larry & Lerner, Edward M.  
 Fallen Angels Niven, Larry & Pournelle, Jerry  
 Footfall Niven, Larry & Pournelle, Jerry85
 Fire Margins Norman, Lisanne85
 Fortune's Wheel Norman, Lisanne97
 Flight in Yiktor Norton, Andre71
 Flight of Vengeance Norton, Andre  
 Forerunner Norton, Andre81
 Future Lost: A Mermaid's Longing Nour, Myra61
 First Strike Nylund, Eric S.921
 Firewing Oppel, Kenneth926
 Flesh and Blood Painter, Kristen  
 Fearless Pascal, Francine914
 Fang Patterson, James21
 Four Blind Mice Patterson, James  
 Fire Arrow Pattou, Edith95
 Fuzzy Dice Paul, Di Filippo  
 Formula 51/The 51st State Pavlou, Stel  
 Figure in the Frost Perez, Lana51
 Freak The Mighty Philbrick, Rodman42
 Falling Roses Piemonte, Rosemarie  
 Falling Roses: In the Dark Piemonte, Rosemarie  
 Falling Roses: The Years Between Piemonte, Rosemarie  
 First Test Pierce, Tamora959
 Fire and Flight Pini, Richard & Pini, Wendy101
 Farthest Star Pohl, Frederik & Williamson, Jack101
 Forsake the Sky Powers, Tim53
 Feet of Clay Pratchett, Terry811
 Fathom Priest, Cherie  
 Four and Twenty Blackbirds Priest, Cherie  
 For Crown and Kingdom Proctor, George W. & Vardeman, Robert E.  
 Fountainhead Rand, Ayn84
 Fever Crumb Reeve, Philip  
 Federation Reeves-Stevens, Garfield & Reeves-Stevens, Judith  
 Freefall Reeves-Stevens, Judith & Reeves-Stevens, Garfield  
 Flightless Falcon Reichert, Mickey Zucker  
 Forged Reid, Thomas M.  
 Flagship Resnick, Mike  
 Fool's Tavern Resnikoff, Ned82
 Final Destination #1: Dead Reckoning Rhodes, Natasha  
 Final Destination I: The Movie Rhodes, Natasha  
 Final Destination II: The Movie Rhodes, Natasha  
 Far Country Rice, Peter L.  
 Feast of All Saints Rice, Anne82
 Frostbite Richelle, Mead101
 Flight of the Raven Roberson, Jennifer81
 Full Circle Roberts, Rachel88
 Fatal Circle Robertson, Linda  
 Fifty Degrees Below Robinson, Kim Stanley  
 Forty Signs of Rain Robinson, Kim Stanley  
 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Rowling, J. K. & Scamander, Newt828
 Freeware Rucker, Rudy  
 Frek and the Elixir Rucker, Rudy  
 Fall of Thanes Ruckley, Brian  
 Fantasy Life Rusch, Kristine Kathryn  
 Flyte Sage, Angie811
 Fire Watcher Saintcrow, Lilith  
 Flesh Circus Saintcrow, Lilith  
 Factoring Humanity Sawyer, Robert J.95
 Far-Seer Sawyer, Robert J.93
 Flashforward Sawyer, Robert J.87
 Foreigner Sawyer, Robert J.82
 Fossil Hunter Sawyer, Robert J.82
 Frameshift Sawyer, Robert J.91
 Fuzzy Nation Scalzi, John59
 Fear the Darkness Scanlon, Mitchel  
 Fifteen Hours Scanlon, Mitchel  
 Five-Twelfths of Heaven Scott, Melissa82
 First Byte Scott Rohan, Michael  
 Floodland sedgwick, marcus  
 Frostfell Sehestedt, Mark  
 Fire Pattern Shaw, Bob  
 Fires Of Coventry Shelley, Rick  
 Frankenstein Shelley, Mary73
 Frankenstein (1818 Text) Shelley, Mary71
 Firestorm Sherman, David  
 Forging the Runes Sherman, Josepha  
 First to Fight Sherman, David & Cragg, Dan91
 Flashfire Sherman, David & Cragg, Dan  
 Full Tilt Shusterman, Neal813
 Far Horizons : All New Tales from the Greatest Worlds of Science Fiction Silverberg, Robert  
 Finders Keepers Sinclair, Linnea61
 Fade to Black Smith, Nyx  
 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Smith, Dean Wesley92
 FIRST LENSMAN Smith, E.E. 'Doc'84
 Fire Study Snyder, Maria V.73
 Faerie Tales Spencer, Wen & Greenberg, Martin  
 Flashback Spitzer, Wayne  
 Fortress Draconis Stackpole, Michael A.98
 Fields of Honor Stanek, Robert998
 Flex Steinmetz, Ferrett  
 Flatterland: Like Flatland Only More So Stewart, Ian  
 Futile Flame Stone, Sam  
 Fearsome Magics Strahan, Jonathan  
 Floating Dragon Straub, Peter61
 Final Validity Strickland, Pavin  
 Freedom Suarez, Daniel91
 Faith and Fire Swallow, James  
 Fruits Basket Takaya, Natsuki101
 Fruits Basket - Natsuki Takaya Illustrations Takaya, Natsuki101
 Fruits Basket Vol. 1 Takaya, Natsuki85
 Fruits Basket Vol. 10 Takaya, Natsuki  
 Fruits Basket Vol. 11 Takaya, Natsuki  
 Fruits Basket Vol. 12 Takaya, Natsuki101
 Fruits Basket Vol. 2 Takaya, Natsuki101
 Fruits Basket Vol. 3 Takaya, Natsuki92
 Fruits Basket Vol. 4 Takaya, Natsuki  
 Fruits Basket Vol. 5 Takaya, Natsuki  
 Fruits Basket Vol. 6 Takaya, Natsuki  
 Fruits Basket Vol. 7 Takaya, Natsuki  
 Fruits Basket Vol. 8 Takaya, Natsuki  
 Fruits Basket Vol. 9 Takaya, Natsuki  
 Farnor Taylor, Roger73
 Falcon Guard Thurston, Robert62
 Falcon Rising Thurston, Robert  
 Freebirth Thurston, Robert71
 Fade-Out Tilley, Patrick42
 First Family Tilley, Patrick81
 Footloose Tine, Robert  
 Flee the Tellurian Empire Tjewels, Zak B93
 From the Depths of Heaven Tjewels, Zak B63
 Farmer Giles of Ham Tolkien, J.R.R.914
 Finn and Hengest Tolkien, J.R.R.95
 felicity learns a lesson tripp, valerie  
 felicity saves the day tripp, valerie  
 felicity's surprise tripp, valerie  
 Fox and Empire Turtledove, Harry82
 Final Voyage of the Remora Tuttle, Richard S.83
 Firebird Trilogy Tyers, Kathy84
 Flipped Van Draanen, Wendelin75
 First Daughter Van Lustbader, Eric  
 Floating City Van Lustbader, Eric102
 French Kiss Van Lustbader, Eric102
 Father Night Van Lustbader, Eric  
 Finch VanderMeer, Jeff  
 Fast Ships, Black Sails VanderMeer, Jeff & VanderMeer, Ann  
 Five Weeks In A Balloon Verne, Jules51
 From the Earth to the Moon Verne, Jules11
 Fireship Vinge, Joan D.11
 Fates Worse Than Death: An Autobiographical Collage of the 1980's Vonnegut, Kurt71
 Forge of the Mind Slayers Waggoner, Tim91
 Four Stories Walderzak, J.A.101
 From History''s Shadow Ward, Dayton  
 Foundations Ward, Dayton & Dilmore, Kevin101
 Flight Of The Mariner Ware, Paul92
 Field of Dishonor Weber, David87
 Flag in Exile Weber, David910
 Fire Season Weber, David & Lindskold, Jane  
 Fantastic Alice Weis, Margaret  
 Fire Sea Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy916
 Forging the Darksword Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy86
 Fallen Angel Weis, Margaret & Weis, Lizz  
 Firebrand Wells, Ankaret  
 First Men in the Moon Wells, H. G.84
 Fine Prey Westerfeld, Scott  
 Fray Whedon, Joss & Moline, Karl  
 Federation World White, James71
 Final Diagnosis White, James  
 Forge of the Titans White, Steve  
 Futures Past White, James  
 Fallen Angel Wilkins, Kim  
 Facets Williams, Walter Jon  
 Fatal Alliance Williams, Sean  
 Force Heretic I: Remnant Williams, Sean & Dix, Shane  
 Force Heretic II: Refugee Williams, Sean & Dix, Shane  
 Force Heretic III: Reunion Williams, Sean & Dix, Shane  
 Flash Gordon the Ice Monster Williamson, Al  
 Freehold Williamson, Michael Z.101
 Fire Watch Willis, Connie93
 Festival of Warriors Windham, Ryder  
 Free Live Free Wolfe, Gene91
 Faraday's Orphans Wood, N. Lee  
 Fearful Symmetry Woods, Olivia  
 Fugitives of Chaos Wright, John C.91
 Flight of the Dying Sun Wulf, Rich91
 Fortress of Lies York, J. Steven101
 For a Breath I Tarry Zelazny, Roger96
 Forever After Zelazny, Roger82
 Four for Tomorrow Zelazny, Roger92
 Frost and Fire Zelazny, Roger85
 Flare Zelazny, Roger & Thomas, Thomas T.81
 Fool's War Zettel, Sarah81
 First Landing Zubrin, Robert  
 Fighting Ruben Wolfe Zusak, Markus  

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