Home Anne McCaffrey, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough Acorna's Rebels

Acorna's Rebels (The Acorna Series)
Series: The Acorna Series
Volume: 6
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0552151351
Pages: 384 pages
Publisher: Corgi
Price: £5.99
Reader Rating: Not rated
Acorna's Rebels by Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

Description: Acorna's people, the Linyaari, have started to reclaim their homeworld from the ravages of the brutal alien Khleevi. But the expedition has unlocked a larger mystery about the origins of the Linyaari people - one that has led Aari, Acorna's lifemate, into a dangerous journey through time and space.

Also in this series are Acorna, Acorna's Quest, Acorna's People, Acorna's World, Acorna's Search, Acorna's Triumph Return to the Anne McCaffrey page, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough page.

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