
Series: The Acorna Series
Volume: 5
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0380978989
Publisher: Eos (HarperCollins)
Price: $25.00
Reader Rating: 6 out of 10
Votes: 3
Acorna's Search by Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth Ann ScarboroughDescription: In this new tale, Acorna's people, the Linyaari, have survived an attack from a mortal enemy, but their planet, naarhi-Vhiliinyar, and their original homeworld, Vhiliinyar, have been ravaged. Now, they are determined to restore both.
But as their work begins, Linyaari begin disappearing, including Acorna's lifemate, Aari. Searching for him, Acorna discovers the remains of a subterranean world that belonged to the Friends, an advanced society that populated Vhiliinyar long ago. What happened to the Friends? Acorna knows that to save Aari, she must find the answers—a quest that will take her back into deep space to uncover the origins of her people.
Also in this series are Acorna, Acorna's Quest, Acorna's People, Acorna's World, Acorna's Rebels, Acorna's Triumph
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