
16584 SF books. Select a book to list it's details or select the author to list the novels written by them.

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410 "i" books to be listed.

Sorted by Surname.
Books with Titles Starting with I
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 Inquisitor Ascendant I Abnett, Dan  
 In An Iron Cage: The Magic of Steampunk Ackley-McPhail, Danielle  
 Is (also titled 'Is Underground') Aiken, Joan  
 Isaac Asimov's Caliban Allen, Roger MacBride  
 Isaac Asimov's Inferno Allen, Roger MacBride  
 Isaac Asimov's Utopia Allen, Roger MacBride  
 Icy Nager Alton, Andrea101
 Into the Storm Anderson, Taylor  
 I Know why the Caged Bird Sings Angelou, Maya  
 Isle of View Anthony, Piers85
 Isle of Woman Anthony, Piers71
 Interstellar Patrol Anvil, Christopher  
 Interstellar Patrol II: The Federation of Humanity Anvil, Christopher  
 In the Time of Dinosaurs Applegate, K.A.71
 Industrial Magic Armstrong, Kelley97
 Irresistible Forces Asaro, Catherine  
 Infinity Engine Asher, Neal L.  
 Immortal Sins Ashley, Amanda  
 I, Robot Asimov, Isaac814
 In Other Worlds Attanasio, A. A.  
 In the Forests of the Night Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia8114
 Inquisition Audley, Anselm78
 Into the Shadows Authors, Various82
 Into the blue Baglio, Ben71
 In the Garden of Iden Baker, Kage93
 Its a Dog-Eat-Dog World Balban, Bob101
 Its a dogs life Balban, Bob82
 Inversions Banks, Iain M.89
 Imajica: The Fifth Dominion Barker, Clive82
 In the Hall of the Martian King Barnes, John  
 Iris Barton, William & Copobianco, Michael11
 If Whispers Call Bassingthwaite, Don101
 Icebones Baxter, Stephen  
 Intermittent Fasting: Yes To Cravings! Lose Weight Beach, Sebastian  
 I See By My Outfit Beagle, Peter S.81
 I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons Beagle, Peter S.  
 Ink and Steel: A Novel of the Promethean Age Bear, Elizabeth  
 In The Ocean Of The Night Benford, Gregory101
 Incident at Arbuk Betancourt, John Gregory  
 Imminent Crisis Bills, Randall N.101
 In the Upper Room and Other Likely Stories Bisson, Terry91
 Ironside: A modern Faery's Tale Black, Holly101
 In For A Penny Blaylock, James P.82
 I Was a Teenage Fairy Block, Francesca Lia81
 I Sing the Body Electric Bradbury, Ray63
 In Winter's Shadow Bradshaw, Gillian83
 In Hollow Houses Braunbeck, Gary A.  
 In Silent Graves Braunbeck, Gary A.  
 In Ashes Lie Brennan, Marie  
 Iron Kissed Briggs, Patricia101
 Infinity's Shore Brin, David84
 Is This Apocalypse Necessary? Brittain, C. Dale  
 Ilse Witch Brooks, Terry819
 Indomitable Brooks, Terry  
 Inferno Brown, Dan71
 Inheritance Brown, Simon101
 Iron Gold Brown, Pierce  
 I Saw Zombies Eating Santa Claus Browne, S. G.  
 Iorich Brust, Steven  
 Issola Brust, Steven818
 Imperial Moon Bulis, Christopher  
 I am A Barbarian Burroughs, Edgar Rice51
 I Remember the Future Burstein, Michael A.  
 Interface Bury, Stephen  
 Indiana Jones and the Sky Pirates Caidin, Martin  
 Indiana Jones and the White Witch Caidin, Martin  
 Ill Wind Caine, Rachel82
 Impakto Calder, Richard  
 If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor Campbell, Bruce  
 Invaders From The Infinite Campbell, John W.  
 Invincible Campbell, Jack  
 Iron Angel Campbell, Alan101
 Islands Of Space Campbell, John W.64
 Inferno Carey, Mike  
 Invasion #1: First Strike Carey, Diane  
 Into The Mist Carman, Patrick  
 I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You Carter, Ally81
 In the Green Star's Glow Carter, Lin  
 Infernal Desire Machines of Dr Hoffman Carter, Angela91
 Invoking Darkness Cavelos, Jeanne  
 I Am a Droid Cerasini, Marc82
 Initiation of War Charrette, Robert N.72
 Inheritor Cherryh, C.J.83
 Invader Cherryh, C.J.92
 In the House of Secret Enemies CHESBRO, GEORGE C.  
 I was a Teenage TRex Ciencin, Scott  
 Imperial Earth Clarke, Arthur C.82
 Iron Mosaic Cobley, Michael  
 Illusions of Victory Coleman, Loren L.  
 Into the Maelstrom Coleman, Loren L.  
 I Remember Pallahaxi Coney, Michael  
 Introducing Garrett, P.I. Cook, Glen  
 Infanta Cooper, Louise73
 Inferno Cooper, Louise84
 I am the Cheese Cormier, Robert  
 Into the Land of the Unicorns Coville, Bruce  
 I Am Rembrandt's Daughter Cullen, Lynn101
 Iceberg Cussler, Clive91
 Inca Gold Cussler, Clive72
 In the Company of Others Czerneda, Julie84
 Imzadi David, Peter87
 Imzadi II : Triangle David, Peter63
 In Search of Mom David, Peter  
 Into the Void David, Peter  
 Imzadi Forever David, Peter  
 I, Q De Lancie, John & David, Peter61
 I'll Be Watching You de Lint, Charles  
 Into the Green de Lint, Charles81
 Infidel--Graphic Novel: The Lost Books Series Dekker, Ted  
 Indigo Springs Dellamonica, A. M.  
 Inferno Denning, Troy  
 Invincible Denning, Troy  
 Into the Nebula DeWeese, Gene  
 Imperial Bounty Dietz, William C.  
 Icefire D'lacey, Chris910
 Igniting the Reaches Drake, David82
 In the Stormy Red Sky Drake, David  
 Into the Hinterlands Drake, David & Lambshead, John  
 Into the Maelstrom Drake, David & Lambshead, John31
 Intellivore Duane, Diane  
 I Know What You Did Last Summer Duncan, Lois713
 Ill Met in the Arena Duncan, Dave  
 Impossible Odds Duncan, Dave101
 Ink Duncan, Hal  
 Ingo Dunmore, Helen71
 Infoquake Edelman, David Louis92
 In the Red Lord's Reach Eisenstein, Phyllis  
 In the Ruins Elliot, Kate76
 Inner Space Elliott, Nathan41
 I, Strahd Elrod, P. N.84
 I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin Elrod, P. N.  
 In the Caves of Exile Emerson, Ru  
 Into the Cold Fire Ewing, Lynne912
 Into a Dark Realm Feist, Raymond E.93
 Infinity's Web Finch, Sheila  
 Into the Void Findley, Nigel51
 It Was in the Cards Fiore, Angeline  
 In The Heart of Darkness Flint, Eric & Drake, David910
 In the Country of the Blind Flynn, Michael93
 Icerigger Foster, Alan Dean912
 Impossible Places Foster, Alan Dean81
 Interlopers Foster, Alan Dean62
 Into the Out of Foster, Alan Dean96
 Into the Thinking Kingdoms Foster, Alan Dean  
 Imposter Freireich, Valerie J.71
 In Conquest Born Friedman, C. S.95
 Igraine the Brave Funke, Cornelia  
 Inkdeath Funke, Cornelia940
 Inkheart Funke, Cornelia942
 Inkspell Funke, Cornelia926
 InterWorld Gaiman, Neil & Reaves, Michael  
 Ironhand's Daughter Gemmell, David62
 Ilario: The Lions' Eye Gentle, Mary  
 Incredible Animal Adventures George, Jean Craighead91
 Into a Dangerous Mind Gerow, Tina101
 Idoru Gibson, William84
 In Stone's Clasp Golden, Christie  
 Instrument of Fate Golden, Christie  
 Invasion America Golden, Christie91
 Immortal Golden, Christopher & Holder, Nancy81
 In War Times Goonan, Kathleen Ann  
 Ice Trap Graf, L. A.82
 Invasion #3: Time's Enemy Graf, L. A.  
 I Is for Innocent Grafton, Sue  
 Incompetence Grant, Rob73
 Ice Mage Gray, Julia84
 Isle of the Dead Gray, Julia82
 Into the Nightside Green, Simon R.  
 Iron Man: Femmes Fatales Greenberger, Bob  
 In the Shadow of Swords Gunn, Val  
 Introduction to the Best of Jo Haldeman, Joe  
 Icefalcon's Quest Hambly, Barbara81
 Ishmael Hambly, Barbara81
 Incubus Dreams Hamilton, Laurell K.67
 Icarus Descending Hand, Elizabeth  
 Inception Harbinson, W. A.101
 Inventing Memory Harris, Anne  
 In Our Hands the Stars Harrison, Harry61
 In Viriconium Harrison, M. John101
 Into the Woods Harrison, Kim  
 Iron Throne Hawke, Simon101
 I Will Fear No Evil Heinlein, Robert A.66
 Incantation Hoffman, Alice  
 Inherit the Stars Hogan, James P.94
 Invasions Holder, Nancy  
 In Your Dreams Holt, Tom  
 Identical Hopkins, Ellen82
 Impulse Hopkins, Ellen93
 I now what you did last Wednesday Horowitz, Anthony  
 Ill Met by Moonlight Hoyt, Sarah  
 Invasion #4: The Final Fury Hugh, Dafydd ab  
 Into the Wild Hunter, Erin9474
 Into the Woods Hunter, Erin926
 Island of the Aunts Ibbotson, Eva67
 Iron Man 2 Irvine, Alexander C.  
 In Darkness We Play Irwin, E. A.  
 IT'S A MALL WORLD AFTER ALL Janette, Rallison  
 Indigo Joyce, Graham  
 Ice Song Kasai, Kirsten Imani101
 I Am Lazarus Kavan, Anna  
 Ice Kavan, Anna  
 Ice Cold Kaye, Marilyn75
 In a Time of Treason Keck, David  
 In the Eye of Heaven Keck, David  
 Infinity: Chronicles of Nick Kenyon, Sherrilyn  
 Immortality Machine Kieniewicz, Paul51
 Insomnia King, Stephen94
 Invasion King, J. Robert84
 It King, Stephen89
 In the Tall Grass King, Stephen & Hill, Joe  
 In The Earth Abides The Flame Kirkpatrick, Russell101
 Ice Dragon Knaak, Richard A.87
 In Deep Knight, Damon  
 Icebound Koontz, Dean101
 Intensity Koontz, Dean102
 In Odd We Trust Koontz, Dean & Chance, Queenie  
 Ideal War Kubasik, Christopher71
 In the King's Service Kurtz, Katherine  
 Intrigues: A Novel of Valdemar Lackey, Mercedes  
 If I Pay Thee Not In Gold Lackey, Mercedes & Anthony, Piers62
 Immortal Coil Lang, Jeffrey  
 In the Hall of the Dragon King Lawhead, Stephen87
 Into the Void Lebbon, Tim  
 Islands in the Sky Lee, Tanith  
 Isaac Asimov's Robots and Aliens 1 Leigh, Stephen & Scotten, Cordell  
 I.D. Lerangis, Peter98
 Island Lerangis, Peter99
 It Came from the Cafeteria Lerangis, Peter101
 Interface Masque Lewitt, Shariann  
 In the Rift Lisle, Holly & Bradley, Marion Zimmer71
 i-o Logan, Simon93
 I Am Number Four Lore, Pittacus101
 Iced on Aran Lumley, Brian92
 In the Moons of Borea Lumley, Brian62
 Invaders Lumley, Brian73
 In the Company of Vampires MacAlister, Katie  
 Indiana Jones and the Genesis Deluge MacGregor, Robert  
 Indiana Jones and the Interior World MacGregor, Robert  
 Indiana Jones and the Peril at Delphi MacGregor, Robert  
 Indiana Jones and the Seven Veils MacGregor, Robert  
 Indiana Jones and the Unicorn's Legacy MacGregor, Robert  
 Intrusion MacLeod, Ken  
 Imaginary Friends Marco, John & Greenberg, Martin H.92
 Ink Exchange Marr, Melissa91
 Incurable Marsden, John91
 Inside Straight Martin, George R.R.  
 Ice Forged Martin, Gail Z.  
 In the Company of Ogres Martinez, A. Lee  
 I Am Legend Matheson, Richard83
 Intervention May, Julian910
 Ironcrown Moon May, Julian  
 If Wishes Were Horses McCaffrey, Anne101
 Into the Darkness McCarthy, Kevin & Silva, David  
 Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth McCoy, Max71
 Indiana Jones and the Philosopher's Stone McCoy, Max  
 I Am Nature McDermott, J. M.  
 Infinity Beach McDevitt, Jack62
 Irons in the Fire McKenna, Juliet E.  
 Into the Fire McKiernan, Dennis L.99
 Into the Forge McKiernan, Dennis L.915
 In the Forests of Serre McKillip, Patricia A.92
 Ira Foxglove McMahon, Thomas81
 Iron Crowned Mead, Richelle  
 Iron Council Mieville, China86
 Isolde: Queen of the Western Isle Miles, Rosalind  
 Innocence Lost Miller, Karen  
 I Dare Miller, Steve & Lee, Sharon94
 Imbalance Mitchell, V.E.  
 Imager Modesitt Jnr., L.E.  
 Imager's Battalion Modesitt Jnr., L.E.  
 Imager's Challenge Modesitt Jnr., L.E.  
 Into the Dreaming Moning, Karen Marie  
 Island of the Sequined Love Nun Moore, Christopher  
 Ironbrand Morressy, John  
 Immortal Game Niles, Douglas62
 Into Battle Nix, Garth914
 Island of the Blue Dolphins O'Dell, Scott95
 Image Odom, Mel61
 In the Service of Samurai Oliver, Gloria  
 Imperium Olivo, Nicholas  
 Inheritance Paolini, Christopher99
 Impetus of War Pardoe, Blaine Lee  
 Inception Perry, S. D.  
 Indiana Jones and the Army of the Dead Perry, Steve11
 Immune Phillips, Richard  
 In The Palace Of Repose Phillips, Holly  
 In the Blood Phoenix, Adrian  
 In the Hand of the Goddess Pierce, Tamora8111
 I Shall Wear Midnight Pratchett, Terry  
 Interesting Times Pratchett, Terry911
 Impact Preston, Douglas  
 I Was a Rat! Pullman, Philip74
 Immolation Qualls, Loren L.  
 Infernal Devices Reeve, Philip  
 Inferno Reeves-Stevens, Judith & Reeves-Stevens, Garfield  
 Insurrection Reid, Thomas M.  
 Ice Station Reilly, Matthew73
 In Legend Born Resnick, Laura910
 Inferno Resnick, Mike  
 Ivory Resnick, Mike  
 Interview with the Vampire Rice, Anne930
 Into the Looking Glass Ringo, John101
 Icehenge Robinson, Kim Stanley102
 Isle of the Dead Rodda, Emily103
 Isle of the Dead Rodda, Emily83
 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Rollins, James  
 I, Vampire Romkey, Michael101
 Insurgent Roth, Veronica  
 Initial Vector Rucka, Greg  
 Invasion #2: The Soldiers Of Fear Rusch, Kristine Kathryn & Smith, Dean Wesley  
 Idlewild Sagan, Nick959
 Immortalis Salvatore, R.A.83
 In Sylvan Shadows Salvatore, R.A.87
 I,AM Sanders, Deon C. & Sandz, Deno  
 Illegal Alien Sawyer, Robert J.93
 Iterations Sawyer, Robert J.101
 Image Scott, Michael  
 Imp Scott, Michael  
 Irish Folk & Fairy Tales Omnibus Scott, Michael  
 Irish Ghosts & Hauntings Scott, Michael  
 Irish Myths and Legends Scott, Michael  
 I'm Working On That Shatner, William & Walter, Chip  
 Immortality Inc. Sheckley, Robert93
 Is That What People Do?: The Selected Short Stories of Robert Sheckley Sheckley, Robert  
 Intrepid Shepherd, Mike  
 Ilium Simmons, Dan86
 In the Net of Dreams Simmons, William Mark  
 I Burn For You Sizemore, Susan  
 i thurst fo you Sizemore, Susan  
 Interstellar Pig Sleator, William  
 Impossibilia Smith, Douglas  
 In Vino Spiritas Smith, Kate  
 Inda Smith, Sherwood81
 Island of Power Smith, Dean Wesley  
 Inside Out Snyder, Maria V.  
 Installing Linux on a Dead Badger Snyder, Lucy  
 I Am Mordred: A Tale of Camelot Springer, Nancy94
 I am Morgan le Fay Springer, Nancy97
 I, Jedi Stackpole, Michael A.912
 In the Empire's Service Stackpole, Michael A.  
 Isard's Revenge Stackpole, Michael A.87
 Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ruin Mist Stanek, Robert91
 In the Service of Dragons Stanek, Robert996
 In the Service of Dragons II Stanek, Robert972
 In the Service of Dragons III Stanek, Robert913
 In the Service of Dragons IV Stanek, Robert910
 Into the Stone Land Stanek, Robert85
 In the Beginning...was the Command Line Stephenson, Neal61
 Islands in the Net Sterling, Bruce  
 Island in the Sea of Time Stirling, S. M.97
 Iron Dawn Stover, Matthew Woodring82
 In the Night Room Straub, Peter72
 Iron Sunrise Stross, Charles  
 Influx Suarez, Daniel81
 Insanity, Illinois Sumner, Mark11
 Inuyasha, Volume 1 Takashi, Rumiko85
 Inuyasha, Volume 14 Takashi, Rumiko83
 Inuyasha, Volume 15 Takashi, Rumiko  
 Inuyasha, Volume 17 Takashi, Rumiko101
 Inuyasha, Volume 18 Takashi, Rumiko  
 Inuyasha, Volume 2 Takashi, Rumiko81
 Inuyasha, Volume 21 Takashi, Rumiko  
 Inuyasha, Volume 24 Takashi, Rumiko103
 Inuyasha, Volume 25 Takashi, Rumiko103
 Inuyasha, Volume 26 Takashi, Rumiko  
 Inuyasha, Volume 28 Takashi, Rumiko  
 Inuyasha, Volume 29 Takashi, Rumiko  
 Inuyasha, Volume 32 Takashi, Rumiko101
 Ibryen Taylor, Roger72
 Into Narsindal Taylor, Roger83
 Immodest Proposals Tenn, William  
 Infiltrator Thompson, W. R.71
 I Am Jade Falcon Thurston, Robert  
 Iron Master Tilley, Patrick92
 In Fluid Silence Tirpa, G. W.  
 Instead of Three Wishes Turner, Megan Whalen101
 In High Places Turtledove, Harry  
 In the Balance Turtledove, Harry85
 In the Presence of Mine Enemies Turtledove, Harry63
 Into the Darkness Turtledove, Harry83
 Island of Darkness Tuttle, Richard S.82
 In the Cities of Coin and Spice Valente, Catherynne  
 Illusion Volsky, Paula99
 Insurrection Vornholt, John  
 In the Shadow of Death Vucak, Stefan  
 Immortal in Shadow Vucak, Stefan  
 Immortal Ward, J. R.  
 In the Name of Honor Ward, Dayton101
 It's A Magical World Watterson, Bill101
 In the Empire of Shadow Watt-Evans, Lawrence82
 Ithanalin's Restoration Watt-Evans, Lawrence76
 In Enemy Hands Weber, David99
 In Fire Forged Weber, David31
 In Fury Born Weber, David  
 In Death Ground Weber, David & White, Steve99
 Insurrection Weber, David & White, Steve93
 Into the Labyrinth Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy910
 Into the Dark Lands West, Michelle & Sagara, Michelle  
 In Great Waters Whitfield, Kit  
 Impossible Things Willis, Connie83
 In Green's Jungles Wolfe, Gene88
 Imperial Jailbreak Wolverton, Dave71
 Ithorian Invasion Wolverton, Dave  
 Islandia Wright, Austin Tappan84
 In the Claws of the Tiger Wyatt, James  
 Isle of the Dead Zelazny, Roger93
 If at Faust You Don't Succeed Zelazny, Roger & Sheckley, Robert84
 I Am the Messenger Zusak, Markus85

410 books listed. Display Top 10 Most Commented novels. ^top