
Series: Collections
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0962906662
Publisher: Edgewood Press
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 1
At the City Limits of Fate by Michael BishopDescription: Beginnings
Snapshots from the Butterfly Plague
Among the Handlers
At the City Limits of Fate
For Thus Do I Remember Carthage
Allegra's Hands
God's Hour
In the Memory Room
Life Regarded as a Jigsaw Puzzle of Highly Lustrous Cats
Reading the Silks
Icicle Music
The Ommatidium Miniatures
I, Iscariot
Also in this series are Blooded on Arachne, Blue Kansas Sky, Brighten to Incandescence, Close Encounters with the Deity, Emphatically Not SF, Almost, One Winter in Eden
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