
16584 SF books. Select a book to list it's details or select the author to list the novels written by them.

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195 "v" books to be listed.

Sorted by Surname.
Books with Titles Starting with V
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 Vivaporius Abnett, Dan  
 Veil of Midnight Adrian, Lara  
 Veiled Alliances Anderson, Kevin J.  
 Virgin Planet Anderson, Poul41
 Vale of the Vole Anthony, Piers911
 Virtual Mode Anthony, Piers63
 Visual Guide To Xanth Anthony, Piers101
 Visser Applegate, K.A.72
 Valhalla Archer, Nathan  
 Vampire, n. Bailey, Kari  
 Vacuum Diagrams Baxter, Stephen101
 Voyage Baxter, Stephen82
 Vitals Bear, Greg71
 Voyage to the Red Planet Bisson, Terry  
 Valiant: A Modern Tale of Faerie Black, Holly101
 Violet and Clare Block, Francesca Lia  
 Virtual Death Boswell, Robert  
 Vengeance of Orion Bova, Ben82
 Venus Bova, Ben  
 Voyagers Bova, Ben82
 Voyagers II:The Alien Within Bova, Ben83
 Voyagers III: Star Brothers Bova, Ben82
 Voima Brittain, C. Dale  
 Vanderdeken's Children Bulis, Christopher  
 Vortex Bunch, Chris & Cole, Allan93
 Veracity Bynum, Laura  
 Victoria and the Rogue Cabot, Meg11
 Valiant Campbell, Jack & Hemry, John G.  
 Victorious Campbell, Jack & Hemry, John G.  
 Voice of the Gods Canavan, Trudi  
 Vicious Circle Carey, Mike81
 Voice of our Shadow Carroll, Jonathan  
 V Is for Vampire Castro, Adam-Troy  
 Vengeance of the Dancing Gods Chalker, Jack L.83
 Visible Light Cherryh, C.J.81
 Vengeance Ciencin, Scott  
 Vampyrrhic Clark, Simon92
 Vagabond Cornwell, Bernard81
 Viking! Myths of Gods and Monsters Crossley-Holland, Kevin  
 Valhalla Rising Cussler, Clive  
 Vixen 03 Cussler, Clive73
 Vendetta David, Peter73
 Vergil in Averno Davidson, Avram  
 Voice from the Ashes Davis, Cindy  
 Valis Dick, Philip K.84
 Vampire Sunrise Douglas, Carole Nelson  
 Vanguard Drake, David11
 Vengeance Drake, David  
 Vettius and His Friends Drake, David81
 Venom Factor Duane, Diane84
 Veil of Reality DuBoff, Amy  
 Vellum Duncan, Hal62
 Venom Estep, Jennifer  
 Venus on the Half-Shell Farmer, Philip Jose & Trout, Kilgore95
 Voices of Hope Feintuch, David83
 Vulcan's Glory Fontana, D.C.  
 Villains By Necessity Forward, Eve73
 Voyage to the City of the Dead Foster, Alan Dean62
 Vicious Verses and Reanimated Rhymes Fuchs, A.P.  
 Voyager Gabaldon, Diana102
 Vigilant Gardner, James Alan83
 Villains! Gentle, Mary  
 Voyage of the Star Wolf Gerrold, David  
 Virtual Light Gibson, William75
 Visitors Gilman, Laura Anne & Sherman, Josepha  
 Vampire a Go-Go Gischler, Victor  
 Vampire of the Mists Golden, Christie94
 Violent Stars Gotlieb, Phyllis  
 Vengeance for A Lonely Man Green, Simon R.74
 Villains Victorious Greenberg, Martin H. & Helfers, John101
 Vicious Grace Hanover, M. L. N.  
 Verdigris Deep Hardinge, Frances  
 Viriconium Harrison, M. John86
 Viriconium Nights Harrison, M. John93
 Variable Star Heinlein, Robert A. & Robinson, Spider  
 Vampire! Vampire! Heitz, Markus  
 Valorian's Children Herbert, Mary H.  
 Vampire Knight 1 Hino, Matsuri11
 Vampire Knight 10 Hino, Matsuri  
 Vampire Knight 2 Hino, Matsuri  
 Vampire Knight 3 Hino, Matsuri  
 Vampire Knight 4 Hino, Matsuri  
 Vampire Knight 5 Hino, Matsuri  
 Vampire Knight 6 Hino, Matsuri  
 Vampire Knight 7 Hino, Matsuri  
 Vampire Knight 8 Hino, Matsuri  
 Vampire Knight 9 Hino, Matsuri  
 Veritas Hogan, K. W.81
 Voyage From Yesteryear Hogan, James P.101
 Valhalla Holt, Tom51
 VANESSA Howells, David  
 Villainy Victorious Hubbard, L. Ron11
 Voyage of Vengeance Hubbard, L. Ron11
 Valor's Choice Huff, Tanya101
 Vengeance Hugh, Dafydd ab  
 Vengeance Irvine, Ian  
 Vicious Bites Anthology Irwin, E. A.  
 Veiled Jacka, Benedict  
 Voice of the Demon Jacoby, Kate  
 Voyage of Slaves Jacques, Brian83
 Voice of the Demon Jakoby, Kate  
 Vengeance Jolley, Dan  
 Virtual Amy Kaye, Marilyn101
 Vampire Voles Kilworth, Garry101
 Vampire Slayer King, William82
 Valentine's Exile Knight, E. E.84
 Valentine's Resolve Knight, E. E.61
 Valentine's Rising Knight, E. E.84
 Velocity Koontz, Dean  
 Voices Le Guin, Ursula K.  
 Viva Lee, Tanith  
 Volkhavaar Lee, Tanith  
 Vespers Rising Lerangis, Peter & Riordan, Rick101
 Vengeance of Dragons Lisle, Holly95
 Vincalis the Agitator Lisle, Holly83
 Vengeance Fantastic Little, Denise  
 Voyages By Starlight MacLeod, Ian R.  
 Vampire Gehenna Marmell, Ari  
 Vagen Bort (The Road That Leads Away) Martensson, Bertil  
 Vagen Tillbaka (The Road That Leads Back) Martensson, Bertil  
 Vagen Ut (The Road That Leads Out) Martensson, Bertil  
 Vingmastarens Dotter (The Wing-Master's Daughter) Martensson, Bertil  
 Voyage of the Fox Rider McKiernan, Dennis L.911
 Voyage of the Shadowmoon McMullen, Sean81
 Vampire Academy Mead, Richelle91
 Vader's Fortress Moesta, Rebecca  
 Victory Conditions Moon, Elizabeth  
 Von Bek Moorcock, Michael92
 V for Vendetta Moore, Alan106
 VIRUNGA, The Passion of Dian Fossey Mowat, Farley  
 Valentine for a Dragon Murphy, Shirley Rousseau  
 Vast Nagata, Linda  
 Vurt Noon, Jeff83
 Voodoo Planet Norton, Andre101
 Victory of Eagles Novik, Naomi  
 Vassal of El Oliver, Gloria  
 Virtual Evil Oliver, Jana G.  
 Vacation under the Volcano Osborne, Mary Pope  
 Viking Ships at Sunrise Osborne, Mary Pope  
 Version 43 Palmer, Philip  
 Violets Are Blue Patterson, James  
 Vampire Uprising Pelegrimas, Marcus  
 Voyage aux enfers Perro, Bryan103
 Virus Perry, S. D.  
 ViraVax Ransom, Bill101
 Voodoo Child Reaves, Michael  
 Virals Reichs, Kathy  
 Violin Rice, Anne54
 Vittorio the Vampire Rice, Anne88
 Vanished Richardson, Kat  
 Vampire Academy Richelle, Mead101
 Von Neumann's War Ringo, John & Taylor, Travis S.  
 Vorpal Blade Ringo, John & Taylor, Travis S.  
 Vol 2 Roberts, Rachel  
 Vol 3 Roberts, Rachel  
 Vol. 1 Roberts, Rachel  
 Vicious Circle Robertson, Linda  
 Vlad Dragwlya: Son of the Dragon Rodrigue, Timothy  
 Vampire Hunter Romkey, Michael101
 Van Helsing Ryan, Kevin  
 Varjak Paw Said, S.F99
 Vector Prime Salvatore, R.A.714
 Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf salvatore, r.a.  
 Vampires Are Forever Sands, Lynsay101
 Vampire Kisses Schreiber, Ellen817
 Vampireville Schreiber, Ellen82
 Ventus Schroeder, Karl82
 Verland: The Transformation Scully, B.E.101
 Vampire Mountain Shan, Darren85
 Victim Prime Sheckley, Robert63
 Viator Shepard, Lucius  
 Vulcans Forge Sherman, Josepha & Schwartz, Susan  
 Vulcan's Heart Sherman, Josepha & Shwartz, Susan62
 Vinganças Silva, Luís Filipe87
 Valentine Pontifex Silverberg, Robert82
 Venom's Taste Smedman, Lisa83
 Viper’s Kiss Smedman, Lisa101
 Vampire$ Steakley, John  
 Vampire Breath Stine, R. L.  
 VISITORS Stine, R. L.  
 Vampires of Vermont Sumner, Mark  
 Vacuum Flowers Swanwick, Michael62
 Valderen Taylor, Roger73
 Visions of Liberty Tier, Mark & Greenberg, Martin H.  
 Videssos Beseiged Turtledove, Harry81
 Voyage of the Space Beagle Van Vogt, A. E.85
 Veniss Underground VanderMeer, Jeff82
 Voice Of The Whirlwind Williams, Walter Jon101
 Voyage to the Underworld Wolverton, Dave  
 Violations Wright, Susan  
 Voyage of the Mourning Dawn Wulf, Rich91
 Vision of the Future Zahn, Timothy811

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