Series: The Saga of Seven Suns Volume: 2 Genre: SF ISBN: 0446528714 Pages: 496 pages Publisher: Warner Books, Incorporated Price: $24.95 Reader Rating: 9 out of 10 Votes: 3
Description: Five years after a scientific experiment aroused the anger of the hydrogues, a previously unknown race native to giant gas planets, the war between humans and hydrogues has resulted in a faltering economy for Earth and its colonies. With fuel for interstellar travel strictly controlled, the Terran Hanseatic League faces rebellion from some of its colonies. When Jess Tamblyn, an enterprising pilot of a nomadic group of spacefaring humans known as the Roamers, stumbles upon yet another new alien species, he discovers a potential ally against the hydrogues. Following the actions of a varied group of individuals, including the King of the Hanseatic League, a pair of archaeologists specializing in ancient alien civilizations, and a captive priestess of the World Trees, Anderson continues his epic tale of interstellar war and politics begun in Hidden Empire.