
Series: Misc
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 1930235119
Publisher: Babbage Press
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 7
A Song for Lya by George R.R. MartinDescription: A Song for Lya - the 1974 Hugo Award-winning novella of an alien culture and the young telepath who succumbs to the chilling consequences of its religion ... a man trapped between reality and madness on a lonely deep-space outpost ... a prospector who learns there is no loyalty among the dead ... a hero whose very acts of valor make him a liability ... a football game with an alien race where the outcome can determine the fate of mankind ...
Ten provocative visions of a time beyond our own. Ten worlds where man still searches for reason and meaning. Ten new worlds for you to explore from George R.R. Martin - the creator of the Wild Card series and the best-sellilng author of A Game of Thrones.
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