
16584 SF books. Select a book to list it's details or select the author to list the novels written by them.

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116 "u" books to be listed.

Sorted by Title.
Books with Titles Starting with U
TitleAuthor (Surname,Forename)RatingVotes
 Ubik Dick, Philip K.98
 UFO Defense: A Novel Duane, Diane  
 Uglies Westerfeld, Scott99
 Uhura's Song Kagan, Janet93
 Ultima Thran Blalock, H. David61
 Un amour de sorcière Reisfeld, Randi91
 Un Lun Dun Mieville, China  
 Unabridged, Unabashed & Undead Brown, Eric S.  
 Unadulterated Cat Pratchett, Terry & Jolliffe, Gray82
 Unbroken Caine, Rachel  
 Uncertain Magic Clark, TA  
 Uncharted Territory Andrews, Scott  
 Uncharted Territory Willis, Connie71
 Uncle Dobbin's Parrot Fair de Lint, Charles71
 Unclean Byers, Richard Lee  
 Unclean Spirits Hanover, M. L. N.41
 Undead Byers, Richard Lee  
 Undead and Unappreciated Davidson, Mary Janice  
 Undead and Uneasy Davidson, Mary Janice  
 Undead and Unemployed Davidson, Mary Janice  
 Undead and Unpopular Davidson, Mary Janice101
 Undead and Unreturnable Davidson, Mary Janice  
 Undead and Unwed Davidson, Mary Janice95
 Undead and Unwelcome Davidson, Mary Janice  
 Undead and Unworthy Davidson, Mary Janice  
 Under a Veil of Darkness: the Short Fiction of Bob Gunner Gunner, Bob101
 Under Camelot's Banner Zettel, Sarah  
 Under Fallen Stars Odom, Mel  
 Under Heaven Kay, Guy Gavriel91
 Under Heaven's Bridge Bishop, Michael & Watson, Ian  
 Under the Dome King, Stephen  
 Under the Eye of God Gerrold, David91
 Under the Green Star Carter, Lin  
 Under the Healing Sign O'Donohoe, Nick  
 Under the stars Baglio, Ben71
 Under the Yoke Stirling, S. M.  
 Underdog. Zusak, Markus  
 Underground Richardson, Kat  
 Undertow Bear, Elizabeth  
 Underworld Perry, S. D.98
 Underworld Watson, Jude94
 Underworld Cox, Greg101
 Undone Caine, Rachel  
 Uneasy Alliances Asprin, Robert & Abbey, Lynn81
 Uneasy Lies The Head Tine, Robert  
 Unfallen Dead Del Franco, Mark  
 Unfinished Tales Tolkien, J.R.R.925
 Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle Earth Tolkien, Christopher93
 Unholy Byers, Richard Lee  
 Unholy Domain Ronco, Dan101
 Unholy Ghosts Kane, Stacia  
 Unholy Magic Kane, Stacia  
 Unicorn and Dragon Abbey, Lynn84
 Unicorn Mountain Bishop, Michael71
 Unicorn Point Anthony, Piers74
 Unicorn Variations Zelazny, Roger53
 Unicorns' Opal Tuttle, Richard S.86
 Unification Taylor, Jeri  
 Union Stackpole, Michael A.86
 UNITED STATES Chimera, Hertzan101
 Unity Perry, S. D.  
 Universe Ahead: Stories of the Future Engdahl, Sylvia & Roberson, Rick  
 Unknown Caine, Rachel  
 Unknown Regions Holdstock, Robert  
 Unleash the Night Kenyon, Sherrilyn  
 Unlocking the Air Le Guin, Ursula K.  
 Unmarked Graves Hutson, Shaun  
 Unnatural Exposure cornwell, patricia  
 Unnatural Selection Lebbon, Tim  
 Unperfect Souls Del Franco, Mark  
 Unquiet Dreams Del Franco, Mark  
 Unraveling Time Giambastiani, Kurt R.A.101
 Unremembered Brody, Jessica  
 Unseen Caine, Rachel  
 Unseen Academicals Pratchett, Terry  
 Unshapely Things Del Franco, Mark  
 Unspeakable Vault (of Doom) Volume II Launet, Francois101
 Unspoken Truth Bonanno, Margaret Wander  
 Untamed Cast, P. C. & Cast, Kristin92
 Untied Kingdom Lovegrove, James  
 Until Relieved Shelley, Rick101
 Until the Celebration Snyder, Zilpha Keatley  
 Until You Small, Bertrice  
 Untitled Rothfuss, Patrick  
 untitled (about Briar) Pierce, Tamora101
 untitled (about Tris) Pierce, Tamora  
 untitled (Tortall book) Pierce, Tamora84
 Unto Leviathan Russo, Richard Paul83
 Unto the Beast Monaco, Richard  
 Unto the Breach Ringo, John81
 Unto Zeor, Forever Lichtenberg, Jacqueline92
 Untouched by Human Hands Sheckley, Robert104
 Unwind Shusterman, Neal93
 Unworthy Beyer, Kirsten  
 Up Against It Locke, M. J.  
 Up in a Heavel Anthony, Piers84
 Up the Walls of The World Tiptree, James  
 Upland Outlaws Duncan, Dave71
 Uplift Brin, David  
 UpLink Fancher, Jane S.  
 Upon The Midnight Clear Kenyon, Sherrilyn  
 Uprising Bendis, Brian Michael  
 Upsetting the Balance Turtledove, Harry82
 Urban Nightmares Sherman, Josepha & Decandido, Keith11
 Urban Shaman Murphy, C. E.  
 Urchin and the Heartstone McAllister, M. I.96
 Urchin of the Riding Stars McAllister, M. I.98
 Urth of the New Sun Wolfe, Gene87
 Use of Weapons Banks, Iain M.928
 Use Once, Then Destroy Williams, Conrad21
 User Friendly Robinson, Spider101
 Ushurak Hildebrandt, Tim & Hildebrandt, Greg101
 Uther Whyte, Jack91
 Utopia Child, Lincoln  
 Utopia Khaled Towfik, Ahmed  

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