
Series: The Thran Chronicles
Volume: 6
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 160145046X
Pages: 332 pages
Publisher: Booklocker
Price: 16.95
Reader Rating: 6 out of 10
Votes: 1
Ultima Thran by H. David BlalockDescription: In this, the final volume of The Thran Chronicles, Jarl Thran faces his ancient foe at last. With the very existence of all reality at stake, will Thran be able to defeat his seemingly invincible enemy? Will his old friend and former ally Baliak Kel Mari rise from his apathy to help, or will the Kel, the Telmet, and all his past work against him?
Also in this series are Thran Reborn, The Burning House, The Tower at Moorkai, The Kel Saka
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