Home H. David Blalock The Kel Saka

The Kel Saka (The Thran Chronicles)
Series: The Thran Chronicles
Volume: 5
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 1591137683
Pages: 157 pages
Publisher: Booklocker.com
Price: 13.95
Reader Rating: Not rated
The Kel Saka by H. David Blalock

Description: Andalarn Thran must recruit a mad Kel Saka mage to his cause, but finds the man has a secret that could spell the doom of all Thran's plans. Meanwhile, Baliak Kel Mari searches for the answer to a mystery that could hold the key to preventing the Diur's return.

The Kel Saka expands on the Thran Chronicles saga that began in Thran Reborn and continued in The Burning House,The Tower at Moorkai and Hogurn's Dell.

Also in this series are Thran Reborn, The Burning House, The Tower at Moorkai, Ultima Thran Return to the H. David Blalock page.

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