
Series: Misc
Volume: 1
Genre: SF
ISBN: pending
Pages: 250 pages
Publisher: Eraserhead Press
Price: $15.00
Reader Rating: 10 out of 10
Votes: 1
UNITED STATES by Hertzan ChimeraDescription: 'As a long-time fan of the outré and fiction of the abject, I can say that very little of what I read anymore shocks, revolts, scares, or disturbs me. But Hertzan Chimera manages to do it EVERY TIME. I read his work the way the First Lady reads romance novels or the way Chaucer professors read Heavy Metal magazines - Chimera is my shamefully perverse guilty pleasure. People tell me I'm a sicko all the time, but I'm a kewpie doll compared to Chimera, and I'm glad there are more disgusting writers out there than me. UNITED STATES is a romp through the dark lands of the free mind. Fans of William Burroughs should rejoice - he's been reincarnated for the new century in Hertzan Chimera. This is Naked Lunch on nuclear acid. Rated X for Xtra demented. It'll step on the faint-hearted like an army boot on a gimped fly. But those with strong stomachs line up: it's feeding time.'
- Michael A. Arnzen, Bram Stoker Award winning author of GRAVE MARKINGS and FREAKCIDENTS.
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