Home Richard Lee Byers Unholy

Unholy (Forgotten Realms: The Haunted Lands)
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Haunted Lands
Volume: 3
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 1442004355
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Price: $16.99
Reader Rating: Not rated
Unholy by Richard Lee Byers

Description: I saw something
than I've ever seen before.
Something truly
I understand now what drove Fastrin mad.
Why he was willing to slaughter us all.

The formerly green fields lie in war-torn ruins. The formerly living populace is undead. And the formerly brilliant necromancer, the mastermind behind the civil war that drove the ruling council into exile, appears to have gone insane. But rumor spreads of a reason behind his randomness - a reason all survivors of Thay must rally against.

Also in this series are Unclean, Undead Return to the Richard Lee Byers page.

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