Home D.J. MacHale Merchant of Death

Merchant  of Death (Pendragon)
Series: Pendragon
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0743437314
Pages: 361 pages
Publisher: Aladdin Paperbacks
Price: 2.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 18
Merchant of Death by D.J. MacHale

Description: Bobby's first adventure blasts he and Uncle Press into the center of a medieval civil war. They must contend with cannibal Quig monsters; lurking assassins; battling armies; and a mysterious, deadly mineral that could obliterate the entire territory.

Also in this series are The Lost City of Faar, The Never War, The Reality Bug, Black Water, The Rivers of Zadaa, The Quillan Games, The Pilgrims of Rayne, Raven Rise, The Soldiers of Halla Return to the D.J. MacHale page.

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