Conar McGregor: Disinherited Prince of Serenia; Lost Soul. From the shores of Oceania to the castle at Boreas, Conar and his lady-wife triumph over The Brotherhood, only to have their world shattered by a destiny written long ago and a King afraid of the truth. A Prince without a crown, a man without a legacy, Conar must face a fate worse than death .
Liza: A Princess without a Prince, whose heart grieves for the pain suffered by her husband; whose belief in justice is spared no lashing at the hands of the Brotherhood and whose soul will die as her love is lost beyond her reach .
Kaileel Tohre: High Priest of the Brotherhood of the Domination. Tohre’s madness rages as Conar spurns his love for the last time. Tohre feeds his perversity as he begins to topple a kingdom .