Home Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child The Book of the Dead

The Book of the Dead (Pendergast Trilogy)
Series: Pendergast Trilogy
Volume: 3
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0446618500
Pages: 640 pages
Publisher: Warner Vision
Price: 7.99
Reader Rating: Not rated
The Book of the Dead by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child

Description: A brilliant FBI agent, rotting away in a high security prison for a murder he did not commit. His brilliant, psychotic brother, about to perpetrate a horrific crime. A young woman with an extraordinary past, on the edge of a violent breakdown. An ancient Egyptian tomb about to be unveiled at a celebrity-studded New York gala, an enigmatic curse released. Memento Mori

Also in this series are Brimstone, Dance of Death Return to the Douglas Preston page, Lincoln Child page.

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