Home William R. Forstchen Never Sound Retreat

Never Sound Retreat (Lost Regiment)
Series: Lost Regiment
Volume: 6
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0451454669
Pages: 376 pages
Publisher: New American Library
Price: $6.99
Reader Rating: Not rated
Never Sound Retreat by William R. Forstchen

Description: It has been 10 years since a group of American Civil War soldiers was swept away from the battlefields of Earth to a distant world - where the only place for a human is as a slave to an alien race. But even though they are far from home, the members of the Union 35th Main regiment still embody the radical ideas of democracy and freedom - and they're willing to lay down their lives rather than sound retreat!

Also in this series are Rally Cry, The Union Forever, Terrible Swift Sword, Fateful Lightning, Battle Hymn, A Band of Brothers, Men of War, Down to the Sea Return to the William R. Forstchen page.

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