Home William R. Forstchen Rally Cry

Rally Cry (Lost Regiment)
Series: Lost Regiment
Volume: 1
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0451450078
Publisher: New American Library
Price: $6.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 7
Rally Cry by William R. Forstchen

Description: When Union Colonel Andrew Keane and his soldiers were swept through a space-time warp, they found themselves in an alternate world where their rifles were centuries advanced over swords, spears and crossbows. But they also found themselves up against creatures who considered humans mere cattle to sacrifice!

Also in this series are The Union Forever, Terrible Swift Sword, Fateful Lightning, Battle Hymn, Never Sound Retreat, A Band of Brothers, Men of War, Down to the Sea Return to the William R. Forstchen page.

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