Series: Tekumel: The Empire of the Petal Throne Volume: 2 Genre: Fantasy ISBN: 0886770769 Pages: 4120 pages Publisher: DAW Books Price: 3.50 Reader Rating: 9 out of 10 Votes: 27
Description: Tekumel is a world distant in time and space, populated by humans and bizarre alien races, and whose dominant empire is that of Tsolyanu — the Empire of the Petal Throne. Tekumel is a world more detailed than even Tolkien's Middle-Earth or Herbert's Dune, with cultures and societies far-removed from the traditional quasi-medieval Europe of most fantasy.
In this novel, a young officer in an Imperial legion captures a high-ranking woman of an enemy power, but in the process is drawn into a transcontinental journey. The woman woman possesses a weapon powerful enough to threaten the rulers of the Empire. The young lieutenant, Trinesh hiKetkolel, can make his career and save a Prince, if he can just get her home...