Series: Discworld
Volume: 18
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 006105691X
Pages: 368 pages
Publisher: HarperCollins
Price: 6.5
Reader Rating: 7 out of 10
Votes: 6
Maskerade by Terry PratchettDescription: It's true, there's a ghost in the Opera House of Ankh Morpork. Sardonic, flamboyant and, well, ghostly, it wears a bone-white Mask and terrorizes the entire company, including the immortal Enrico Basilica, who eats continuously even when he's singing. Mostly spaghetti with tomato sauce. What better way to flush out a ghost than with a witch? Or even two! And Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg happen to be in Discworld's capital city trying to recruit a third (since three witches make a coven, and two make only an argument). Enter the Opera's newest diva, the alarmingly fetching Perdita X. Nitt, who has such an astonishing range that she can sing harmony with herself, and is so agreeably large that she hangs out with the elephants in the cellar. They say that inside every fat woman there's a thin woman struggling to get out (or at least dying for chocolate). In Perdita's case, the thin woman is more ambitious, since she would also dearly love to be a witch. Beginning to get the picture? One would hope so. For this isn't cheese, it's opera, which runs on a Catastrophe Curve. And to further complicate matters, there is a backstage cat named Greebo who occasionally becomes a person just because it's so easy. Not to mention Granny Weatherwax's old friend, Death, whose scythe arm is sore from so much use. And who has been known to don a Mask ...
Also in this series are Discworld Thieves' Guild Diary 2002, Lu-Tse's Yearbook of Enlightenment 2008, Mort: A Discworld Big Comic, Snuff, The City Watch Trilogy, The Discworld Companion, The Colour of Magic, The Light Fantastic, Equal Rites, Mort, Sourcery, Wyrd Sisters, Pyramids, Guards! Guards!, Eric, Moving Pictures, Reaper Man, Witches Abroad, Small Gods, Lords and Ladies, Men at Arms, Soul Music, Interesting Times, Feet of Clay, Hogfather, Jingo, The Last Continent, Carpe Jugulum, The Fifth Elephant, The Truth, Thief of Time, The Last Hero, Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, Night Watch, The Wee Free Men, A Hat Full of Sky, Going Postal, Monstrous Regiment, Thud!, Wintersmith, Making Money, Unseen Academicals, Raising Steam, The Shepherd''s Crown
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