 Home  Authors Linda Evans

About Author
Linda Evans is an expert on weapons both modern and ancient, she puts her expertise to good use in her science fiction. She has also written the novel Far Edge of Darkness. There was supposedly a sequel called "Unholy Trinity," but no trace of it can be found. The author seems to have dropped off the face of the earth, and her website no longer exists.

This author has been recommended by 28 other readers.

Books (Sort by Title)[10 books listed]
 Misc VolumeYearRating
 For King & Country with Robert Asprinn/a2002n/a
 The Road to Damascus with John Ringon/a2004n/a

 Multiverse VolumeYearRating
 Hell's Gate with David Weber120068/10
 Hell Hath No Fury with David Weber220079/10

 Time Scout Series VolumeYearRating
 Time Scout11995n/a
 Time Scout with Robert Asprin12000n/a
 Wagers of Sin21996n/a
 Ripping Time with Robert Asprin3200310/10
 House That Jack Built with Robert Asprin42003n/a
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