Home Robert Asprin, Linda Evans House That Jack Built

House That Jack Built (Time Scout Series)
Series: Time Scout Series
Volume: 4
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0671319655
Publisher: Baen Books
Price: $6.99
Reader Rating: Not rated
House That Jack Built by Robert Asprin & Linda Evans

Description: Senator John Caddrick hires an assassin to murder his own daughter, which threatens to destroy the time-touring industry. But everyone's plans are thrown into chaos when Jack the Ripper escapes to Time Terminal 86. In this sequel to 'Ripping Time', time scout Kit Carson and ex-con Skeeter Jackson have to track down the senator's daughter, lost somewhere in history.

Also in this series are Time Scout, Time Scout, Wagers of Sin, Wagers of Sin, Ripping Time Return to the Robert Asprin page, Linda Evans page.

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