
Series: Dragons of Deltora
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0439633737
Pages: 192 pages
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks
Price: $4.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 4
Dragon's Nest by Emily RoddaDescription: The evil Shadow Lord has been banished, but famine still stalks Deltora, and only monsters thrive. As the starving people weaken, Lief, Jasmine and Barda discover a terrible secret. The Enemy left the seeds of death behindhim. Four vile creations of sorcery called the Four Sisters are hidden in the land. They are slowly killing it while the Shadow Lord gloats, awaiting his triumphant return. The companions must find the deadly Sisters and destroy them. Their only clue is a fragment of an ancient map. Their only hope of help lies with 7 unlikely allies - the last of Deltora's dragons.
Also in this series are Isle of the Dead, Isle of the Dead, Shadowgate, Sister Of The South
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