Series: Venus series
Volume: 2
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0345370090
Pages: 200 pages
Publisher: DelRey
Price: 3.95
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 1
Lost on Venus by Edgar Rice BurroughsDescription: Life on Venus has not been easy for the Earthman Carson Napier. All of his courage and cunning were needed just to stay alive on the world of deadly monsters and even dealier men. But Carson was determined to do more than survive. He had sworn to deliver the princess Duare to her treetop kingdom of Vepaja - even though a thousand miles of unmapped territory lay between him and his lofty goal.
From the treacherous Room of the Seven Doors to the horror of Kormor, City of the Dead, attacked by beast-men and imprisoned by ruthless scientists, the reluctant hero battled his way across a world of unimaginable perils - for the beautiful princess Carson had pledged to serve was also the woman he loved ...
Also in this series are Pirates of Venus, Carson of Venus, Escape on Venus, The Wizard of Venus
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