Home Josepha Sherman Merlin's Kin

Merlin's Kin (Misc)
Series: Misc
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0874835194
Publisher: August House
Price: $11.95
Reader Rating: Not rated
Merlin's Kin by Josepha Sherman

Description: Merlin: the shadowy magician stands just to one side of the rest of humanity. Yet Merlin is not alone of his kind, for magicians are found among all peoples and in all cultures. In this collection, Josepha Sherman draws upon her dual training as a comparative folklorist and fantasy novelist to present international folk stories of magical valor and peril.
Among the 30 tales included here are the Welsh story of Gwydion, who raised his abandoned nephew in a magical incubator; the Russian tale of Volka, the shape-shifting prince who protected his people from famine and the invading Turks; the Hopi tale of Spider Woman, who rescued Lakone Mana from the rapacious Kwataka; and Clever Aja, from the Ashante people of Ghana, the seventh-born son who saved his six brothers with his magical cowtail switch.

All of us still harbor, deep within, the longing to be able to change things with a wave of a hand and perhaps a word of power. As these ancient stories demonstrate, that longing is as old as mankind, and as potent as a magician's compound.
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