Home Eric Flint, Dave Freer This Rough Magic

This Rough Magic (Heirs of Alexandria)
Series: Heirs of Alexandria
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0743471490
Publisher: Baen Books
Reader Rating: Not rated
This Rough Magic by Eric Flint & Dave Freer

Description: Co-authored by Mercedes Lackey

Chernobog had come within a hair of seizing absolute power in Venice, but was thwarted by the guardian Lion-spirit, who awoke to protect his city from the power-mad demon. But the power of the Lion is limited to Venice, and Chernobog has a new ally in the King of Hungary, who has beseiged the island of Corfu to seize control of the Adriatic from Venice. Trapped on the island is the small band of heroes who awoke the Lion and thwarted Chernobog before. Far from the Lion’s help, Manfred and Erik lead guerrillas against the foe, and Maria discovers ancient magical powers on the island. If she can make alliance with them, she may be able to repel the invaders—but not without paying a bitter personal price.

Also in this series are The Shadow of the Lion Return to the Eric Flint page, Dave Freer page.

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