Home Ann Tonsor Zeddies Steel Helix

Steel Helix (Misc)
Series: Misc
Genre: SF
Publisher: Del Rey
Reader Rating: Not rated
Steel Helix by Ann Tonsor Zeddies

Description: Piers Rameau, a brilliant geneticist, was offered the chance to help design mankind's replacement-Original Man, a smarter, stronger, swifter race based on manipulated human DNA. But Rameau refused, and chose to follow his own path. Now Kuno Gunnarsson, creator of Original Man and Rameau's would-be employer, is dead-but his superior creation lives on. And one faction of Original Man is determined to wrest control of the galaxy from the inferior race. A brutal attack destroys both Rameau's home planet and the satellite that has become his world. One tragic casualty is Dakini, a fragile, genetically altered dancer who had become Rameau's reason to live.
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