Series: Ruin Mist Tales
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 1575450755
Pages: 240 pages
Publisher: Reagent Press
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 67
Elf Queen and the King by Robert StanekDescription: Age 9 and up. The Elf Queen & The King is a refreshingly unique fantastic adventure where its only limits are the limits of your imagination. Inside, you'll discover the breathtaking world of Ruin Mist where the mystical and the magical abound, and you'll fall in love with three heroes: a boy who would become a mage, a princess who is fleeing a dying kingdom, and a warrior elf who undertakes an epic journey. Ruin Mist Tales -an alternate history for best-selling author Robert Stanek's Keeper Martin's Tales. For every fantastic story you'll ever find, there are often other stories that retell the adventures from different points of view-so why should it be any different in Ruin Mist?
Also in this series are Elf Queen and the King II, The Elf Queen & The King III, The Elf Queen & The King IV
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