Home Edward Whittemore Sinai Tapestry

Sinai Tapestry (Misc)
Series: Misc
Genre: Other
ISBN: 0380378531
Pages: 308 pages
Publisher: Avon
Price: 1.95
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 3
Sinai Tapestry by Edward Whittemore

Description: In Sinai Tapestry the seperate odysseys of five extraordinary men intertwine in a bawdy, brilliant spectacle across the sands of the Promised Land. In Sinai Tapestry you will meet a fanatical monk impersonating God, the Victorian author of a 33-volume study of sex, an Irish guerrilla fighter disguised as a nun, the proprieter of an all-night grocery in ancient Greece...and some strange people too. In Sinai Tapestry the age-old quest for the original Bible enters the 20th century and is soon overshadowed by man's eternal search for love, truth, and the perfect sexual encounter.
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