Home Richard S. Tuttle Origin Scroll

Origin Scroll (Targa Trilogy)
Series: Targa Trilogy
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 1438247001
Publisher: KBS Publishing
Price: 14.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 6
Origin Scroll by Richard S. Tuttle

Description: The world is in peril. The Evil sorcerer, Sarac, seeks an ancient document entitled, the Origin Scroll. This ancient tome contains the knowledge to control the very existence of the Universes. Sarac will stop at nothing to obtain the Origin Scroll and the fate of the Universes rest with three unknown children.

Alexander Tork, a fifteen-year-old boy, is an apprentice lumberman learning the trade from his father in a small nameless village in the frontier region of Targa. Oscar Dalek, a fifteen-year-old boy, lives with his widowed mother in a town on the Targa-Cordonia border. The family’s survival rests with the boy’s abilities to salvage whatever he can from the caravans crossing the border. Jenneva Roth, a fifteen-year-old girl who loves to read, lives with her aged uncle in western Targa. Unfortunately, her uncle’s health is failing and she must travel across the country to live with relatives she has never seen.

Origin Scroll by Richard S. Tuttle is a fantasy novel about three formerly insignificant young people who will meet and unite their special abilities to challenge the evil sorcerer, Sarac, before he destroys the Universes. Origin Scroll is the first volume of the Targa Trilogy. Dark Quest and Ancient Prophecy complete the Targa Trilogy.

Also in this series are Dark Quest, Ancient Prophecy Return to the Richard S. Tuttle page.

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