Home Ann Tonsor Zeddies Sky Road

Sky Road (Singer)
Series: Singer
Volume: 2
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0345378652
Pages: 434 pages
Publisher: Del Rey
Price: 4.99
Reader Rating: Not rated
Sky Road by Ann Tonsor Zeddies

Description: They came with fire and violence, and as Singer watched, the human soldiers destroyed his entire tribe and everything he had ever lived for. And so Singer took his revenge, life by life, drop of blood by drop of blood. Still there were more lives to avenge...but all the killing was beginning to poison Singer's soul, and unless he turned his back on his hatred, he himself would be destroyed. Singer began to realize that the only way to truly avenge the dead AND save the living was to work with the human enemy: to end the war and bring all the peoples of his world together. And THAT would take all of Singer's incredible powers...

Also in this series are Deathgift Return to the Ann Tonsor Zeddies page.

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