Home Hertzan Chimera SZMONHFU

Series: Misc
Volume: 1
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0971357242
Pages: 284 pages
Publisher: Eraserhead PRess
Price: $16.95
Reader Rating: 10 out of 10
Votes: 1
SZMONHFU by Hertzan Chimera

"Sick! Sick! Sick! SZMONHFU is truly one of the most disgusting books I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading." - Amazing Authors Reviews

"The writing is phenomenal." - Mind Caviar

"Here is an author who makes Burroughs look like a social realist." - Terror Tales reviews.

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Jane Templeton Rice is the highest paid fashion model in her industry. Her whole life stretches out in front of her like extravagent courses in a Chinese banquet. The night of the Gaultier show why did Jane go 'walkabout'?

We follow this delicate young redhead on a blistering erotic adventure of discovery. But we soon find out that Jane has a problem. Her ability to dredge up the very deepest fantasies from her lovers is both an erotic firestorm and a millstone around her slender neck. How pure the intensions of her lovers must be. How honourable. For one small slip of conscience will result in a filthy bloodbath of man-raped sexual identity unwoven. And what of the SZMONHFU, the alien race of super beings, what is their part in Jane's illustrious future?

SZMONHFU in many ways tells the tale of Pinocchio - but in the biogenetic horrotica world of Hertzan Chimera that impending maturity takes on a haunted inevitability stripped from the original kids' story.

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