Series: Misc
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0002258390
Pages: 384 pages
Publisher: Voyager
Price: £16.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 2
Witch's Honour by Jan SiegelDescription: A final confrontation between the Old Spirit, Azmordis, and our heroine, Fern. The world of myth and magic is wound ever more closely with reality: in basements filled with smoky shadows, dancers perform to primitive rhythms while painted frescoes melt and change on the walls; faceless motorcyclists patrol like evil knights; primeval symbols adorn new advertising campaigns; computers are invaded by unprogrammed messages. The Dark Tower of ancient tales is reincarnated as a sky-scrapter faceted with black glass. Where once he employed pagan religions and tribal gods to achieve control, now the Old Spirit uses the modern religions of money and greed to suborn the hearts of Men. He has gained ascendancy of another of Prospero's Children - another descended from the lost Atlantis - a young man as Gifted as Fern, and through him can manipulate a business empire greater than any individual nation or deity. In addition: it is now 1,000 years since the Fall of Atlantis, the birth of the third millennium (2001 - exactly when we publish): a date of magical significance, and the long-lost Lodestone is stirring once more ... Add to that potent mix fine writing and an awe-inspiring tour of lost Atlantis, and I think we might have the makings of a classic here.
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