Home Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman Dragons of Summer Flame

Dragons of Summer Flame (Dragonlance)
Series: Dragonlance
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0786927089
Pages: 608 pages
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Price: $7.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 12
Dragons of Summer Flame by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman

Description: Summer has come to Krynn, a summer unlike any before. The sun bears down on land and sea, searing the world with relentless light and heat. Clouds and rain are nowhere to be found, and even the darkness of night brings little relief from the strange and oppressive day.

Meanwhile, those who commune regularly with their gods are uneasy. Every day, their deities become more distant, more difficult to reach. Clerics' prayers go unanswered, and magic goes awry. As the tension on Ansalon builds, estranged cousins Palin Majere and Steel Brightblade search for an explanation. It soon becomes evident that more than just magic is at stake.

The fate of all Krynn hangs in the balance.

This is a new paperback edition of Dragonlance cocreators Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's first hardcover New York Times bestseller. It is the direct prequel to the current War of Souls trilogy. This edition features a new cover design that ties into the recent rereleases of other core Dragonlance titles.

Also in this series are Draconian Measures, More Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home, Soulforge, The Doom Brigade, The Players of Gilean, The Search for Magic: Tales from the War of Souls, The Second Generation, Brothers in Arms Return to the Margaret Weis page, Tracy Hickman page.

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