Series: Bedlamz Bard
Volume: 4
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0671318535
Pages: 488 pages
Publisher: Baen
Price: 24.00
Reader Rating: 7 out of 10
Votes: 5
Spirits White as Lightning by Mercedes Lackey & Rosemary EdghillDescription: The fifth volume of Lackey and Edghill's Bedlam's Bard series continues the adventures of Eric Banyon, a Julliard student in our world and Sir Eric, knight and bard, in the Elvenlands. It is a collection of subplots flying in close formation, with Eric and his comrades in both worlds initiating a new guardian, discovering how elf and human can produce a child without dark magic, installing a computer system for a dragon, and fighting assorted villains, who this time are mostly bent on revenge rather than conquest. Apart from all those subplots, and perhaps because of them, the book's pacing is uneven-at times fast and completely absorbing; at others, weighed down by pop psychology. The authors are clearly proceeding on the principle that you can't keep a good series down, and this is a good series, though newcomers should retreat to earlier volumes to catch up on established characters.
Also in this series are Bedlam's Bard, Knight of Ghosts and Shadows, Summoned to Tourney, Beyond World's End, Mad Maudlin, Music To My Sorrow
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